// Copyright (c) 2021 Weird Constructor // This file is a part of HexoDSP. Released under GPL-3.0-or-later. // See README.md and COPYING for details. use crate::nodes::{NodeAudioContext, NodeExecContext}; use crate::dsp::{ NodeId, SAtom, ProcBuf, DspNode, LedPhaseVals, NodeContext, denorm }; use super::helpers::crossfade; use super::dattorro::{ DattorroReverb, DattorroReverbParams }; pub struct DatParams { frame: usize, predly: ProcBuf, size: ProcBuf, dcy: ProcBuf, ilpf: ProcBuf, ihpf: ProcBuf, dif: ProcBuf, dmix: ProcBuf, mspeed: ProcBuf, mshp: ProcBuf, mdepth: ProcBuf, rlpf: ProcBuf, rhpf: ProcBuf, } impl DatParams { #[inline] pub fn set_frame(&mut self, frame: usize) { self.frame = frame; } } impl DattorroReverbParams for DatParams { fn pre_delay_time_ms(&self) -> f64 { denorm::PVerb::predly(&self.predly, self.frame) as f64 } fn time_scale(&self) -> f64 { denorm::PVerb::size(&self.size, self.frame) as f64 } fn decay(&self) -> f64 { denorm::PVerb::dcy(&self.dcy, self.frame) as f64 } fn input_low_cutoff_hz(&self) -> f64 { denorm::PVerb::ilpf(&self.ilpf, self.frame) as f64 } fn input_high_cutoff_hz(&self) -> f64 { denorm::PVerb::ihpf(&self.ihpf, self.frame) as f64 } fn diffusion(&self) -> f64 { denorm::PVerb::dif(&self.dif, self.frame) as f64 } fn input_diffusion_mix(&self) -> f64 { denorm::PVerb::dmix(&self.dmix, self.frame) as f64 } fn mod_speed(&self) -> f64 { denorm::PVerb::mspeed(&self.mspeed, self.frame) as f64 } fn mod_depth(&self) -> f64 { denorm::PVerb::mdepth(&self.mdepth, self.frame) as f64 } fn mod_shape(&self) -> f64 { denorm::PVerb::mshp(&self.mshp, self.frame) as f64 } fn reverb_low_cutoff_hz(&self) -> f64 { denorm::PVerb::rlpf(&self.rlpf, self.frame) as f64 } fn reverb_high_cutoff_hz(&self) -> f64 { denorm::PVerb::rhpf(&self.rhpf, self.frame) as f64 } } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct PVerb { verb: Box, } impl PVerb { pub fn new(_nid: &NodeId) -> Self { Self { verb: Box::new(DattorroReverb::new()), } } pub const in_l : &'static str = "PVerb in_l\nLeft input channel, will be summed with the right \ channel. So you can just feed in a mono signal \ without harm.\nRange: (-1..1)\n"; pub const in_r : &'static str = "PVerb in_r\nRight input channel, will be summed with the \ left channel.\nRange: (-1..1)\n"; pub const sig_l : &'static str = "PVerb sig_l\nThe left channel of the output signal.\nRange: (0..1)"; pub const sig_r : &'static str = "PVerb sig_r\nThe right channel of the output signal.\nRange: (0..1)"; pub const predly : &'static str = "PVerb predly\nThe pre-delay length for the first reflection.\nRange: (0..1)"; pub const size : &'static str = "PVerb size\nThe size of the simulated room. Goes from a small \ chamber to a huge hall.\nRange: (0..1)"; pub const dcy : &'static str = "PVerb dcy\nThe decay of the sound. If you set this to '1.0' the sound will infinitively be sustained. Just be careful feeding in more \ sound with that.\nRange: (0..1)"; pub const ilpf : &'static str = "PVerb ilpf\nInput low-pass filter cutoff frequency, for filtering \ the input before it's fed into the pre-delay.\nRange: (0..1)"; pub const ihpf : &'static str = "PVerb ihpf\nInput high-pass filter cutoff frequency, for filtering \ the input before it's fed into the pre-delay.\nRange: (0..1)"; pub const dif : &'static str = "PVerb dif\nThe amount of diffusion inside the reverb tank. \ Setting this to 0 will disable any kind of diffusion and the reverb \ will become a more or less simple echo effect.\nRange: (0..1)"; pub const dmix : &'static str = "PVerb dmix\nThe mix between input diffusion and clean output of the \ pre-delay. Setting this to 0 will not diffuse any input.\nRange: (0..1)"; pub const mspeed : &'static str = "PVerb mspeed\nThe internal LFO speed, that modulates the internal \ diffusion inside the reverb tank. Keeping this low (< 0.2) will sound \ a bit more natural than a fast LFO.\nRange: (0..1)"; pub const mshp : &'static str = "PVerb mshp\nThe shape of the LFO. 0.0 is a down ramp, 1.0 is an up \ ramp and 0.0 is a triangle. Setting this to 0.5 is a good choise. The \ extreme values of 0.0 and 1.0 can lead to audible artifacts.\nRange: (0..1)"; pub const mdepth : &'static str = "PVerb mdepth\nThe depth of the LFO change that is applied to the \ diffusion inside the reverb tank. More extreme values (above 0.2) will \ lead to more detuned sounds reverbing inside the tank.\nRange: (0..1)"; pub const rlpf : &'static str = "PVerb rlpf\nReverb tank low-pass filter cutoff frequency.\nRange: (0..1)"; pub const rhpf : &'static str = "PVerb rhpf\nReverb tank high-pass filter cutoff frequency.\nRange: (0..1)"; pub const mix : &'static str = "PVerb mix\nDry/Wet mix between the input and the diffused output.\nRange: (0..1)"; pub const DESC : &'static str = r#"Plate Reverb This is a simple but yet powerful small plate reverb based on the design by Jon Dattorro. It should suit your needs from small rooms up to large athmospheric sound scapes. "#; pub const HELP : &'static str = r#"PVerb - Plate Reverb (by Jon Dattorro) This is a simple but yet powerful small plate reverb based on the design by Jon Dattorro. It should suit your needs from small rooms up to large athmospheric sound scapes. It provides two inputs, and two outputs for stereo signals. You can also feed a monophonic input, and you will get a stereo output. It provides simple low-pass and high-pass filters for the inputs and another set of them for the internal reverberation tank to control the bandwidth of the reverbs. Internal modulation keeps the sound alive and spreads it even more. Structure of the reverb is: Left Right | | \----+----/ v 'ilpf' 'ihpf' 'predly' Input Low-Pass -> Input High-Pass -> Pre-Delay | o------------------o--------------\ | +------\ +----------\ | | v | v | | v--o----> All-Pass Diffusor [Left Channel] [Right Channel] | \--x 'dmix' | /> Diffusor 1 |'size' Diffusor 1 <-\ | ^------------/ | Delay 1 |'size' Delay 1 | | | LPF/HPF | LPF/HPF 'rlpf'/'rhpf' | [x Decay] |'dcy' [x Decay] | | 'mspeed' o> Diffusor 2 |'size' Diffusor 2 <-o----o-x-----LFO 'mshp' | Delay 2 |'size' Delay 2 | | 'mdepth' | | | | | | | x 'dcy'| x | | | | \-[feedback]-/ | | | \--------[feedback]-----------/ | \--------------------------------------/ Multiple Taps into Left/Right Diffusors 1/2 and Delays 1/2 are then fed to the left and right output channels. "#; } impl DspNode for PVerb { fn outputs() -> usize { 1 } fn set_sample_rate(&mut self, srate: f32) { self.verb.set_sample_rate(srate as f64); } fn reset(&mut self) { self.verb.reset(); } #[inline] fn process( &mut self, ctx: &mut T, _ectx: &mut NodeExecContext, nctx: &NodeContext, _atoms: &[SAtom], inputs: &[ProcBuf], outputs: &mut [ProcBuf], ctx_vals: LedPhaseVals) { use crate::dsp::{inp, out_idx}; let mut in_l = inp::PVerb::in_l(inputs); let mut in_r = inp::PVerb::in_r(inputs); if (nctx.in_connected & 0x03) != 0x03 { if nctx.in_connected & 0x01 == 0x01 { in_r = in_l; } else if nctx.in_connected & 0x02 == 0x02 { in_l = in_r; } } let mut params = DatParams { frame: 0, predly: *inp::PVerb::predly(inputs), size: *inp::PVerb::size(inputs), dcy: *inp::PVerb::dcy(inputs), ilpf: *inp::PVerb::ilpf(inputs), ihpf: *inp::PVerb::ihpf(inputs), dif: *inp::PVerb::dif(inputs), dmix: *inp::PVerb::dmix(inputs), mspeed: *inp::PVerb::mspeed(inputs), mshp: *inp::PVerb::mshp(inputs), mdepth: *inp::PVerb::mdepth(inputs), rlpf: *inp::PVerb::rlpf(inputs), rhpf: *inp::PVerb::rhpf(inputs), }; let mix = inp::PVerb::mix(inputs); let out_i = out_idx::PVerb::sig_r(); let (out_l, out_r) = outputs.split_at_mut(out_i); let out_l = &mut out_l[0]; let out_r = &mut out_r[0]; let verb = &mut *self.verb; for frame in 0..ctx.nframes() { let (i_l, i_r) = (in_l.read(frame), in_r.read(frame)); params.set_frame(frame); let (l, r) = verb.process(&mut params, i_l as f64, i_r as f64); out_l.write( frame, crossfade(i_l, l as f32, denorm::PVerb::mix(mix, frame))); out_r.write( frame, crossfade(i_r, r as f32, denorm::PVerb::mix(mix, frame))); } ctx_vals[0].set( out_l.read(ctx.nframes() - 1) + out_r.read(ctx.nframes() - 1)); } }