// Copyright (c) 2021 Weird Constructor // This file is a part of HexoDSP. Released under GPL-3.0-or-later. // See README.md and COPYING for details. use crate::nodes::{NodeAudioContext, NodeExecContext}; use crate::dsp::{NodeId, SAtom, ProcBuf, DspNode, LedPhaseVals, NodeContext}; use crate::dsp::biquad::*; #[macro_export] macro_rules! fa_biqfilt_type { ($formatter: expr, $v: expr, $denorm_v: expr) => { { let s = match ($v.round() as usize) { 0 => "BtW LP", _ => "?", }; write!($formatter, "{}", s) } } } #[macro_export] macro_rules! fa_biqfilt_ord { ($formatter: expr, $v: expr, $denorm_v: expr) => { { let s = match ($v.round() as usize) { 0 => "1", 1 => "2", 2 => "3", 3 => "4", _ => "?", }; write!($formatter, "{}", s) } } } /// A simple amplifier #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct BiqFilt { cascade: Vec, srate: f32, ofreq: f32, oq: f32, ogain: f32, otype: u8, } impl BiqFilt { pub fn new(_nid: &NodeId) -> Self { Self { cascade: vec![Biquad::new(); 4], srate: 1.0 / 44100.0, otype: 99, // value that can't be set by the user ofreq: -2.0, // value that can't be set by the user oq: -2.0, // value that can't be set by the user ogain: -2.0, // value that can't be set by the user } } pub const inp : &'static str = "BiqFilt inp\nSignal input\nRange: (-1..1)\n"; pub const freq : &'static str = "BiqFilt freq\nFilter cutoff frequency.\nRange: (-1..1)\n"; pub const q : &'static str = "BiqFilt q\nFilter Q factor.\nRange: (0..1)\n"; pub const gain : &'static str = "BiqFilt gain\nFilter gain.\nRange: (0..1)\n"; pub const ftype : &'static str = "BiqFilt ftype\n"; pub const order : &'static str = "BiqFilt order\n"; pub const sig : &'static str = "BiqFilt sig\nFiltered signal output.\nRange: (-1..1)\n"; pub const DESC : &'static str = r#"Biquad Filter This is the implementation of a biquad filter cascade. It is not meant for fast automation. Please use other nodes like eg. SFilter for that. "#; pub const HELP : &'static str = r#"BiqFilt - Biquad Filter (Cascade) This is the implementation of a biquad filter cascade. It is not meant for fast automation and might blow up if you treat it too rough. Please use other nodes like eg. SFilter for that. "#; } impl DspNode for BiqFilt { fn outputs() -> usize { 1 } fn set_sample_rate(&mut self, srate: f32) { self.srate = srate; self.otype = 99; // cause recalculation of the filter for b in &mut self.cascade { b.reset(); } } fn reset(&mut self) { for b in &mut self.cascade { b.reset(); } } #[inline] fn process( &mut self, ctx: &mut T, _ectx: &mut NodeExecContext, _nctx: &NodeContext, atoms: &[SAtom], inputs: &[ProcBuf], outputs: &mut [ProcBuf], ctx_vals: LedPhaseVals) { use crate::dsp::{out, inp, denorm, at}; let inp = inp::BiqFilt::inp(inputs); let freq = inp::BiqFilt::freq(inputs); let q = inp::BiqFilt::q(inputs); let gain = inp::BiqFilt::gain(inputs); let ftype = at::BiqFilt::ftype(atoms); let order = at::BiqFilt::order(atoms); let out = out::BiqFilt::sig(outputs); let ftype = ftype.i() as u8; let cfreq = denorm::BiqFilt::freq(freq, 0); let cfreq = cfreq.clamp(0.0, 22000.0); let cq = denorm::BiqFilt::q(q, 0); let cgain = denorm::BiqFilt::gain(gain, 0); if ftype != self.otype || (cfreq - self.ofreq).abs() > 0.0001 || (cq - self.oq).abs() > 0.0001 || (cgain - self.ogain).abs() > 0.0001 { // recalculate coeffs of all in the cascade let coefs = match ftype { _ => BiquadCoefs::butter_lowpass(self.srate, cfreq), }; for o in &mut self.cascade { o.set_coefs(coefs); o.reset(); } self.otype = ftype; self.ofreq = cfreq; self.oq = cq; self.ogain = cgain; } let order = order.i() as u8; for frame in 0..ctx.nframes() { let freq = denorm::BiqFilt::freq(freq, frame); // let freq = freq.clamp($minfreq, $maxfreq); let q = denorm::BiqFilt::q(q, frame); let gain = denorm::BiqFilt::gain(gain, frame); let mut s = inp.read(frame); for i in 0..=order { s = self.cascade[i as usize].tick(s); } out.write(frame, s); } ctx_vals[0].set(out.read(ctx.nframes() - 1)); } }