// Copyright (c) 2022 Weird Constructor // This file is a part of HexoDSP. Released under GPL-3.0-or-later. // See README.md and COPYING for details. use crate::blocklang::{BlockLanguage, BlockUserInput, BlockType}; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::rc::Rc; pub fn setup_hxdsp_block_language() -> Rc> { let mut lang = BlockLanguage::new(); lang.define(BlockType { category: "source".to_string(), name: "phse".to_string(), rows: 1, inputs: vec![Some("f".to_string())], outputs: vec![Some("".to_string())], area_count: 0, user_input: BlockUserInput::None, description: "A phasor, returns a saw tooth wave to scan through things or use as modulator.".to_string(), color: 2, }); lang.define(BlockType { category: "literals".to_string(), name: "zero".to_string(), rows: 1, inputs: vec![], outputs: vec![Some("".to_string())], area_count: 0, user_input: BlockUserInput::None, description: "The 0.0 value".to_string(), color: 1, }); lang.define(BlockType { category: "literals".to_string(), name: "π".to_string(), rows: 1, inputs: vec![], outputs: vec![Some("".to_string())], area_count: 0, user_input: BlockUserInput::None, description: "The PI number".to_string(), color: 1, }); lang.define(BlockType { category: "literals".to_string(), name: "2π".to_string(), rows: 1, inputs: vec![], outputs: vec![Some("".to_string())], area_count: 0, user_input: BlockUserInput::None, description: "2 * PI == TAU".to_string(), color: 1, }); lang.define(BlockType { category: "literals".to_string(), name: "SR".to_string(), rows: 1, inputs: vec![], outputs: vec![Some("".to_string())], area_count: 0, user_input: BlockUserInput::None, description: "The sample rate".to_string(), color: 1, }); lang.define(BlockType { category: "literals".to_string(), name: "value".to_string(), rows: 1, inputs: vec![], outputs: vec![Some("".to_string())], area_count: 0, user_input: BlockUserInput::Float, description: "A literal value, typed in by the user.".to_string(), color: 1, }); lang.define(BlockType { category: "routing".to_string(), name: "->".to_string(), rows: 1, inputs: vec![Some("".to_string())], outputs: vec![Some("".to_string())], area_count: 0, user_input: BlockUserInput::None, description: "Forwards the value one block".to_string(), color: 6, }); lang.define(BlockType { category: "routing".to_string(), name: "->2".to_string(), rows: 2, inputs: vec![Some("".to_string())], outputs: vec![Some("".to_string()), Some("".to_string())], area_count: 0, user_input: BlockUserInput::None, description: "Forwards the value one block and sends it to multiple destinations".to_string(), color: 6, }); lang.define(BlockType { category: "routing".to_string(), name: "->3".to_string(), rows: 3, inputs: vec![Some("".to_string())], outputs: vec![Some("".to_string()), Some("".to_string()), Some("".to_string())], area_count: 0, user_input: BlockUserInput::None, description: "Forwards the value one block and sends it to multiple destinations".to_string(), color: 6, }); lang.define(BlockType { category: "variables".to_string(), name: "set".to_string(), rows: 1, inputs: vec![Some("".to_string())], outputs: vec![], area_count: 0, user_input: BlockUserInput::Identifier, description: "Stores into a variable".to_string(), color: 2, }); lang.define(BlockType { category: "variables".to_string(), name: "get".to_string(), rows: 1, inputs: vec![], outputs: vec![Some("".to_string())], area_count: 0, user_input: BlockUserInput::Identifier, description: "Loads a variable".to_string(), color: 12, }); lang.define(BlockType { category: "variables".to_string(), name: "if".to_string(), rows: 1, inputs: vec![Some("".to_string())], outputs: vec![Some("".to_string())], area_count: 2, user_input: BlockUserInput::None, description: "Divides the controlflow based on a true (>= 0.5) \ or false (< 0.5) input value.".to_string(), color: 0, }); lang.define(BlockType { category: "nodes".to_string(), name: "1pole".to_string(), rows: 2, inputs: vec![Some("in".to_string()), Some("f".to_string())], outputs: vec![Some("lp".to_string()), Some("hp".to_string())], area_count: 0, user_input: BlockUserInput::None, description: "Runs a simple one pole filter on the input".to_string(), color: 8, }); lang.define(BlockType { category: "nodes".to_string(), name: "svf".to_string(), rows: 3, inputs: vec![Some("in".to_string()), Some("f".to_string()), Some("r".to_string())], outputs: vec![Some("lp".to_string()), Some("bp".to_string()), Some("hp".to_string())], area_count: 0, user_input: BlockUserInput::None, description: "Runs a state variable filter on the input".to_string(), color: 8, }); lang.define(BlockType { category: "functions".to_string(), name: "sin".to_string(), rows: 1, inputs: vec![Some("".to_string())], outputs: vec![Some("".to_string())], area_count: 0, user_input: BlockUserInput::None, description: "Calculates the sine of the input".to_string(), color: 16, }); lang.define(BlockType { category: "nodes".to_string(), name: "delay".to_string(), rows: 2, inputs: vec![Some("in".to_string()), Some("t".to_string())], outputs: vec![Some("".to_string())], area_count: 0, user_input: BlockUserInput::None, description: "Runs a linearly interpolated delay on the input".to_string(), color: 8, }); for fun_name in &["+", "-", "*", "/"] { lang.define(BlockType { category: "arithmetics".to_string(), name: fun_name.to_string(), rows: 2, inputs: if fun_name == &"-" || fun_name == &"/" { vec![Some("a".to_string()), Some("b".to_string())] } else { vec![Some("".to_string()), Some("".to_string())] }, outputs: vec![Some("".to_string())], area_count: 0, user_input: BlockUserInput::None, description: "A binary arithmetics operation".to_string(), color: 4, }); } lang.define_identifier("in1"); lang.define_identifier("in2"); lang.define_identifier("israte"); lang.define_identifier("srate"); lang.define_identifier("alpha"); lang.define_identifier("beta"); lang.define_identifier("delta"); lang.define_identifier("gamma"); lang.define_identifier("&sig1"); lang.define_identifier("&sig2"); Rc::new(RefCell::new(lang)) }