Weird Constructor 4384f0a2e1 added parameters
2021-05-22 12:13:38 +02:00

153 lines
5.4 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2021 Weird Constructor <weirdconstructor@gmail.com>
// This is a part of HexoDSP. Released under (A)GPLv3 or any later.
// See README.md and COPYING for details.
use crate::nodes::NodeAudioContext;
use crate::dsp::{SAtom, ProcBuf, DspNode, LedPhaseVals};
/// A simple amplifier
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Sampl {
phase: f64,
srate: f64,
impl Sampl {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
phase: 0.0,
srate: 44100.0,
pub const freq : &'static str =
"Sampl freq\nPitch input for the sampler, giving the playback speed of the\
sample.\nRange: (-1..1)\n";
pub const trig : &'static str =
"Sampl trig\nThe trigger input causes a resync of the playback phase\
and triggers the playback if the 'pmode' is 'OneShot'";
pub const spos : &'static str =
"Sampl spos\nStart position offset.\nRange: (-1..1)\n";
pub const epos : &'static str =
"Sampl epos\nEnd position offset.\nRange: (-1..1)\n";
pub const sample : &'static str =
"Sampl sample\nThe audio sample that is played back.\nRange: (-1..1)\n";
pub const pmode : &'static str =
"Sampl pmode\nThe playback mode of the sampler.\n\
- 'Loop' constantly plays back the sample. You can reset/sync the phase\
using the 'trig' input in this case.\n\
- 'OneShot' plays back the sample if a trigger is received on 'trig' input.\n";
pub const dclick : &'static str =
"Sampl dclick\nIf this is enabled and the 'pmode' is 'OneShot'\
this will enable short fade in and out ramps.\n\
This if useful if you don't want to add an envelope just for\
getting rid of the clicks if spos and epos are modulated.";
pub const sig : &'static str =
"Sampl sig\nSampler audio output\nRange: (-1..1)\n";
impl DspNode for Sampl {
fn outputs() -> usize { 1 }
fn set_sample_rate(&mut self, srate: f32) { self.srate = srate.into(); }
fn reset(&mut self) { }
fn process<T: NodeAudioContext>(
&mut self, ctx: &mut T, atoms: &[SAtom], _params: &[ProcBuf],
inputs: &[ProcBuf], outputs: &mut [ProcBuf], ctx_vals: LedPhaseVals)
use crate::dsp::{out, at, inp, denorm}; //, inp, denorm, denorm_v, inp_dir, at};
let sample = at::Sampl::sample(atoms);
let freq = inp::Sampl::freq(inputs);
let out = out::Sampl::sig(outputs);
if let SAtom::AudioSample((_, Some(sample_data))) = sample {
let sd_len = sample_data.len() - 1;
let sd_len_f = sd_len as f64;
let sample_srate = sample_data[0] as f64;
let sample_data = &sample_data[1..];
let sr_factor = sample_srate / self.srate;
for frame in 0..ctx.nframes() {
let playback_speed =
denorm::Sampl::freq(freq, frame) / 440.0;
let i = self.phase.floor() as usize + sd_len;
// Hermite interpolation, take from
// https://github.com/eric-wood/delay/blob/main/src/delay.rs#L52
// Thanks go to Eric Wood!
// For the interpolation code:
// MIT License, Copyright (c) 2021 Eric Wood
let xm1 = sample_data[(i - 1) % sd_len];
let x0 = sample_data[i % sd_len];
let x1 = sample_data[(i + 1) % sd_len];
let x2 = sample_data[(i + 2) % sd_len];
let c = (x1 - xm1) * 0.5;
let v = x0 - x1;
let w = c + v;
let a = w + v + (x2 - x0) * 0.5;
let b_neg = w + a;
let f = self.phase.fract() as f32;
let out_sample = (((a * f) - b_neg) * f + c) * f + x0;
out.write(frame, out_sample);
self.phase += sr_factor * playback_speed as f64;
} else {
for frame in 0..ctx.nframes() {
out.write(frame, 0.0);
// let neg = at::Amp::neg_att(atoms);
// let last_frame = ctx.nframes() - 1;
// let last_val =
// if neg.i() > 0 {
// for frame in 0..ctx.nframes() {
// out.write(frame,
// inp.read(frame)
// * denorm_v::Amp::att(
// inp_dir::Amp::att(att, frame)
// .max(0.0))
// * denorm::Amp::gain(gain, frame));
// }
// inp.read(last_frame)
// * denorm_v::Amp::att(
// inp_dir::Amp::att(att, last_frame)
// .max(0.0))
// * denorm::Amp::gain(gain, last_frame)
// } else {
// for frame in 0..ctx.nframes() {
// out.write(frame,
// inp.read(frame)
// * denorm_v::Amp::att(
// inp_dir::Amp::att(att, frame).abs())
// * denorm::Amp::gain(gain, frame));
// }
// inp.read(last_frame)
// * denorm_v::Amp::att(
// inp_dir::Amp::att(att, last_frame).abs())
// * denorm::Amp::gain(gain, last_frame)
// };