// Movement tutorial use crate::game::*; use bevy::prelude::*; pub fn setup( commands: &mut Commands, meshes: &mut ResMut>, character_meshes: &Res, materials: &mut ResMut>, audio: &Res>, asset_server: &Res, ) { let font = asset_server.get_handle("UacariLegacy-Thin.ttf"); commands .spawn_bundle(Text2dBundle { text: Text::from_section( "Combine the colors to synthetize a white light.\nUse arrows to move.", TextStyle { font, font_size: 32.0, color: Color::WHITE, }, ) .with_alignment(TextAlignment::CENTER), ..Default::default() }) .insert(Level); spawn_platform( commands, meshes, materials, Transform::from_xyz(0.0, -256.0, 0.0), Vec2 { x: 800.0, y: 16.0 }, ); spawn_characters( commands, character_meshes, materials, audio, [ (Transform::from_xyz(0., -192., 0.), Color::RED), (Transform::from_xyz(-128., -192., 0.), Color::GREEN), (Transform::from_xyz(128., -192., 0.), Color::BLUE), ], ); }