use std::cmp::Ordering; use std::fs::{self, File}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; use anyhow::{bail, ensure, Context, Result}; use bytemuck::cast_slice; use c_vec::CVec; use structopt::StructOpt; use walkdir::{DirEntry, WalkDir}; fn black_box(dummy: T) -> T { unsafe { let ret = core::ptr::read_volatile(&dummy); core::mem::forget(dummy); ret } } fn timeit(func: impl Fn() -> T) -> (T, Duration) { let t0 = Instant::now(); let out = func(); let t1 = Instant::now(); (black_box(out), t1 - t0) } fn mean(v: &[f64]) -> f64 { v.iter().sum::() / v.len() as f64 } fn find_pngs(paths: &[PathBuf]) -> Result> { let is_png_file = |path: &PathBuf| { path.is_file() && path.extension().unwrap_or_default().to_string_lossy().to_ascii_lowercase() == "png" }; let mut out = vec![]; for path in paths { if is_png_file(path) { out.push(path.clone()); } else if path.is_dir() { out.extend( WalkDir::new(path) .follow_links(true) .into_iter() .filter_map(Result::ok) .map(DirEntry::into_path) .filter(is_png_file), ) } else { bail!("path doesn't exist: {}", path.to_string_lossy()); } } out.sort_unstable(); Ok(out) } fn grayscale_to_rgb(buf: &[u8]) -> Vec { let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(buf.len() * 3); for &px in buf { for _ in 0..3 { out.push(px); } } out } fn grayscale_alpha_to_rgba(buf: &[u8]) -> Vec { let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(buf.len() * 4); for &px in cast_slice::<_, [u8; 2]>(buf) { for _ in 0..3 { out.push(px[0]); } out.push(px[1]) } out } #[derive(Clone)] struct Image { pub width: u32, pub height: u32, pub channels: u8, pub data: Vec, } impl Image { fn read_png(filename: &Path) -> Result { let mut decoder = png::Decoder::new(File::open(filename)?); let transformations = png::Transformations::normalize_to_color8(); decoder.set_transformations(transformations); let mut reader = decoder.read_info()?; let mut whole_buf = vec![0; reader.output_buffer_size()]; let info = reader.next_frame(&mut whole_buf)?; let buf = &whole_buf[]; ensure!(info.bit_depth == png::BitDepth::Eight, "invalid bit depth: {:?}", info.bit_depth); let (channels, data) = match info.color_type { png::ColorType::Grayscale => { // png crate doesn't support GRAY_TO_RGB transformation yet (3, grayscale_to_rgb(buf)) } png::ColorType::GrayscaleAlpha => { // same as above, but with alpha channel (4, grayscale_alpha_to_rgba(buf)) } color_type => { let channels = color_type.samples(); ensure!(channels == 3 || channels == 4, "invalid channels: {}", channels); (channels as u8, buf[].to_vec()) } }; Ok(Self { width: info.width, height: info.height, channels, data }) } pub const fn n_pixels(&self) -> usize { (self.width as usize) * (self.height as usize) } } trait Codec { type Output: AsRef<[u8]>; fn name() -> &'static str; fn encode(img: &Image) -> Result; fn decode(data: &[u8], img: &Image) -> Result; } struct CodecQoiFast; impl Codec for CodecQoiFast { type Output = Vec; fn name() -> &'static str { "qoi-fast" } fn encode(img: &Image) -> Result> { Ok(qoi_fast::encode_to_vec(&, img.width, img.height)?) } fn decode(data: &[u8], _img: &Image) -> Result> { Ok(qoi_fast::decode_to_vec(data)?.1) } } struct CodecQoiC; impl Codec for CodecQoiC { type Output = CVec; fn name() -> &'static str { "qoi.h" } fn encode(img: &Image) -> Result> { libqoi::qoi_encode(&, img.width, img.height, img.channels) } fn decode(data: &[u8], img: &Image) -> Result> { Ok(libqoi::qoi_decode(data, img.channels)?.1) } } #[derive(Clone)] struct BenchResult { pub codec: String, pub decode_sec: Vec, pub encode_sec: Vec, } impl BenchResult { pub fn new(codec: impl AsRef, mut decode_sec: Vec, mut encode_sec: Vec) -> Self { decode_sec.sort_by(|a, b| a.partial_cmp(b).unwrap_or(Ordering::Equal)); encode_sec.sort_by(|a, b| a.partial_cmp(b).unwrap_or(Ordering::Equal)); let codec = codec.as_ref().into(); Self { codec, decode_sec, encode_sec } } pub fn average_decode_sec(&self, use_median: bool) -> f64 { if use_median { self.decode_sec[self.decode_sec.len() / 2] } else { mean(&self.decode_sec) } } pub fn average_encode_sec(&self, use_median: bool) -> f64 { if use_median { self.encode_sec[self.encode_sec.len() / 2] } else { mean(&self.encode_sec) } } } #[derive(Clone)] struct ImageBench { results: Vec, n_pixels: usize, } impl ImageBench { pub fn new(img: &Image) -> Self { Self { results: vec![], n_pixels: img.n_pixels() } } pub fn run(&mut self, img: &Image, sec_allowed: f64) -> Result<()> { let (encoded, t_encode) = timeit(|| C::encode(img)); let encoded = encoded?; let (decoded, t_decode) = timeit(|| C::decode(encoded.as_ref(), img)); let decoded = decoded?; let roundtrip = decoded.as_ref() ==; if C::name() == "qoi-fast" { assert!(roundtrip, "{}: decoded data doesn't roundtrip", C::name()); } else { ensure!(roundtrip, "{}: decoded data doesn't roundtrip", C::name()); } let n_encode = (sec_allowed / 2. / t_encode.as_secs_f64()).max(2.).ceil() as usize; let mut encode_tm = Vec::with_capacity(n_encode); for _ in 0..n_encode { encode_tm.push(timeit(|| C::encode(img)).1); } let encode_sec = encode_tm.iter().map(Duration::as_secs_f64).collect(); let n_decode = (sec_allowed / 2. / t_decode.as_secs_f64()).max(2.).ceil() as usize; let mut decode_tm = Vec::with_capacity(n_decode); for _ in 0..n_decode { decode_tm.push(timeit(|| C::decode(encoded.as_ref(), img)).1); } let decode_sec = decode_tm.iter().map(Duration::as_secs_f64).collect(); self.results.push(BenchResult::new(C::name(), decode_sec, encode_sec)); Ok(()) } pub fn report(&self, use_median: bool) { let (w_name, w_col) = (11, 13); print!("{:w$}", "decode:ms", w = w_col); print!("{:>w$}", "encode:ms", w = w_col); print!("{:>w$}", "decode:mp/s", w = w_col); print!("{:>w$}", "encode:mp/s", w = w_col); println!(); for r in &self.results { let decode_sec = r.average_decode_sec(use_median); let encode_sec = r.average_encode_sec(use_median); let mpixels = self.n_pixels as f64 / 1e6; let (decode_mpps, encode_mpps) = (mpixels / decode_sec, mpixels / encode_sec); print!("{:w$.2}", decode_sec * 1e3, w = w_col); print!("{:>w$.2}", encode_sec * 1e3, w = w_col); print!("{:>w$.1}", decode_mpps, w = w_col); print!("{:>w$.1}", encode_mpps, w = w_col); println!(); } } } #[derive(Default)] struct BenchTotals { results: Vec, } impl BenchTotals { pub fn new() -> Self { Self::default() } pub fn update(&mut self, b: &ImageBench) { self.results.push(b.clone()) } pub fn report(&self, use_median: bool) { if self.results.is_empty() { return; } let codec_names: Vec<_> = self.results[0].results.iter().map(|r| r.codec.clone()).collect(); let n_codecs = codec_names.len(); let (mut total_decode_sec, mut total_encode_sec, mut total_size) = (vec![0.; n_codecs], vec![0.; n_codecs], 0); for r in &self.results { total_size += r.n_pixels; for i in 0..n_codecs { // sum of medians is not the median of sums, but w/e, good enough here total_decode_sec[i] += r.results[i].average_decode_sec(use_median); total_encode_sec[i] += r.results[i].average_encode_sec(use_median); } } let (w_name, w_col) = (11, 13); println!("---"); println!( "Overall results: ({} images, {:.1} MB):", self.results.len(), total_size as f64 / 1024. / 1024. ); println!("---"); print!("{:w$}", "decode:ms", w = w_col); print!("{:>w$}", "encode:ms", w = w_col); print!("{:>w$}", "decode:mp/s", w = w_col); print!("{:>w$}", "encode:mp/s", w = w_col); println!(); for (i, codec_name) in codec_names.iter().enumerate() { let decode_sec = total_decode_sec[i]; let encode_sec = total_encode_sec[i]; let mpixels = total_size as f64 / 1e6; let (decode_mpps, encode_mpps) = (mpixels / decode_sec, mpixels / encode_sec); print!("{:w$.2}", decode_sec * 1e3, w = w_col); print!("{:>w$.2}", encode_sec * 1e3, w = w_col); print!("{:>w$.1}", decode_mpps, w = w_col); print!("{:>w$.1}", encode_mpps, w = w_col); println!(); } } } fn bench_png(filename: &Path, seconds: f64, use_median: bool) -> Result { let f = filename.to_string_lossy(); let img = Image::read_png(filename).context(format!("error reading PNG file: {}", f))?; let size_kb = fs::metadata(filename)?.len() / 1024; let mpixels = img.n_pixels() as f64 / 1e6; println!( "{} ({}x{}:{}, {} KB, {:.2}MP)", f, img.width, img.height, img.channels, size_kb, mpixels ); let mut bench = ImageBench::new(&img);, seconds)?;, seconds)?;; Ok(bench) } fn bench_suite(files: &[PathBuf], seconds: f64, use_median: bool) -> Result<()> { let mut totals = BenchTotals::new(); for file in files { match bench_png(file, seconds, use_median) { Ok(res) => totals.update(&res), Err(err) => eprintln!("{:?}", err), } } if totals.results.len() > 1 {; } Ok(()) } #[derive(Debug, StructOpt)] struct Args { /// Files or directories containing png images. #[structopt(parse(from_os_str))] paths: Vec, /// Number of seconds allocated for each image/codec. #[structopt(short, long, default_value = "1")] seconds: f64, /// Use average (mean) instead of the median. #[structopt(short, long)] average: bool, } fn main() -> Result<()> { let args = ::from_args(); ensure!(!args.paths.is_empty(), "no input paths given"); let files = find_pngs(&args.paths)?; ensure!(!files.is_empty(), "no PNG files found in given paths"); bench_suite(&files, args.seconds, !args.average)?; Ok(()) }