#[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))] use alloc::{vec, vec::Vec}; use core::convert::TryFrom; #[cfg(feature = "std")] use std::io::Write; use bytemuck::Pod; use crate::consts::{QOI_HEADER_SIZE, QOI_OP_INDEX, QOI_OP_RUN, QOI_PADDING, QOI_PADDING_SIZE, QOI_OP_RUN2}; use crate::error::{Error, Result}; use crate::header::Header; use crate::pixel::{Pixel, SupportedChannels}; use crate::types::{Channels, ColorSpace}; #[cfg(feature = "std")] use crate::utils::GenericWriter; use crate::utils::{unlikely, BytesMut, Writer}; #[allow(clippy::cast_possible_truncation, unused_assignments, unused_variables)] fn encode_impl(mut buf: W, data: &[u8]) -> Result where Pixel: SupportedChannels, [u8; N]: Pod, { let cap = buf.capacity(); let mut index = [Pixel::new(); 256]; let mut px_prev = Pixel::new().with_a(0xff); let mut hash_prev = px_prev.hash_index(); let mut run = 0_u16; let mut px = Pixel::::new().with_a(0xff); let mut index_allowed = false; let n_pixels = data.len() / N; for (i, chunk) in data.chunks_exact(N).enumerate() { px.read(chunk); if px == px_prev { run += 1; #[cfg(not(feature = "reference"))] if N == 3 { if run == 65535 || unlikely(i == n_pixels - 1) { let [b1, b2] = (run-1).to_be_bytes(); buf = buf.write_many(&[QOI_OP_RUN2, b1, b2])?; run = 0; } } else if run == 62 || unlikely(i == n_pixels - 1) { buf = buf.write_one(QOI_OP_RUN | (run as u8 - 1))?; run = 0; } #[cfg(feature = "reference")] if run == 62 || unlikely(i == n_pixels - 1) { buf = buf.write_one(QOI_OP_RUN | (run as u8 - 1))?; run = 0; } } else { if run != 0 { #[cfg(not(feature = "reference"))] { // credits for the original idea: @zakarumych (had to be fixed though) buf = if run == 1 && index_allowed { buf.write_one(QOI_OP_INDEX | hash_prev)? } else if N == 4 || run < 63 { buf.write_one(QOI_OP_RUN | (run as u8 - 1))? } else { let [b1, b2] = (run-1).to_be_bytes(); buf.write_many(&[QOI_OP_RUN2, b1, b2])? }; } #[cfg(feature = "reference")] { buf = buf.write_one(QOI_OP_RUN | (run as u8 - 1))?; } run = 0; } index_allowed = true; let px_rgba = px.as_rgba(0xff); hash_prev = px_rgba.hash_index(); let index_px = &mut index[hash_prev as usize]; if *index_px == px_rgba { buf = buf.write_one(QOI_OP_INDEX | hash_prev)?; } else { *index_px = px_rgba; buf = px.encode_into(px_prev, buf)?; } px_prev = px; } } buf = buf.write_many(&QOI_PADDING)?; Ok(cap.saturating_sub(buf.capacity())) } #[inline] fn encode_impl_all(out: W, data: &[u8], channels: Channels) -> Result { match channels { Channels::Rgb => encode_impl::<_, 3>(out, data), Channels::Rgba => encode_impl::<_, 4>(out, data), } } /// The maximum number of bytes the encoded image will take. /// /// Can be used to pre-allocate the buffer to encode the image into. #[inline] pub fn encode_max_len(width: u32, height: u32, channels: impl Into) -> usize { let (width, height) = (width as usize, height as usize); let n_pixels = width.saturating_mul(height); QOI_HEADER_SIZE + n_pixels.saturating_mul(channels.into() as usize) + n_pixels + QOI_PADDING_SIZE } /// Encode the image into a pre-allocated buffer. /// /// Returns the total number of bytes written. #[inline] pub fn encode_to_buf( buf: impl AsMut<[u8]>, data: impl AsRef<[u8]>, width: u32, height: u32, ) -> Result { Encoder::new(&data, width, height)?.encode_to_buf(buf) } /// Encode the image into a newly allocated vector. #[cfg(any(feature = "alloc", feature = "std"))] #[inline] pub fn encode_to_vec(data: impl AsRef<[u8]>, width: u32, height: u32) -> Result> { Encoder::new(&data, width, height)?.encode_to_vec() } /// Encode QOI images into buffers or into streams. pub struct Encoder<'a> { data: &'a [u8], header: Header, } impl<'a> Encoder<'a> { /// Creates a new encoder from a given array of pixel data and image dimensions. /// /// The number of channels will be inferred automatically (the valid values /// are 3 or 4). The color space will be set to sRGB by default. #[inline] #[allow(clippy::cast_possible_truncation)] pub fn new(data: &'a (impl AsRef<[u8]> + ?Sized), width: u32, height: u32) -> Result { let data = data.as_ref(); let mut header = Header::try_new(width, height, Channels::default(), ColorSpace::default())?; let size = data.len(); let n_channels = size / header.n_pixels(); if header.n_pixels() * n_channels != size { return Err(Error::InvalidImageLength { size, width, height }); } header.channels = Channels::try_from(n_channels.min(0xff) as u8)?; Ok(Self { data, header }) } /// Returns a new encoder with modified color space. /// /// Note: the color space doesn't affect encoding or decoding in any way, it's /// a purely informative field that's stored in the image header. #[inline] pub const fn with_colorspace(mut self, colorspace: ColorSpace) -> Self { self.header = self.header.with_colorspace(colorspace); self } /// Returns the inferred number of channels. #[inline] pub const fn channels(&self) -> Channels { self.header.channels } /// Returns the header that will be stored in the encoded image. #[inline] pub const fn header(&self) -> &Header { &self.header } /// The maximum number of bytes the encoded image will take. /// /// Can be used to pre-allocate the buffer to encode the image into. #[inline] pub fn required_buf_len(&self) -> usize { self.header.encode_max_len() } /// Encodes the image to a pre-allocated buffer and returns the number of bytes written. /// /// The minimum size of the buffer can be found via [`Encoder::required_buf_len`]. #[inline] pub fn encode_to_buf(&self, mut buf: impl AsMut<[u8]>) -> Result { let buf = buf.as_mut(); let size_required = self.required_buf_len(); if unlikely(buf.len() < size_required) { return Err(Error::OutputBufferTooSmall { size: buf.len(), required: size_required }); } let (head, tail) = buf.split_at_mut(QOI_HEADER_SIZE); // can't panic head.copy_from_slice(&self.header.encode()); let n_written = encode_impl_all(BytesMut::new(tail), self.data, self.header.channels)?; Ok(QOI_HEADER_SIZE + n_written) } /// Encodes the image into a newly allocated vector of bytes and returns it. #[cfg(any(feature = "alloc", feature = "std"))] #[inline] pub fn encode_to_vec(&self) -> Result> { let mut out = vec![0_u8; self.required_buf_len()]; let size = self.encode_to_buf(&mut out)?; out.truncate(size); Ok(out) } /// Encodes the image directly to a generic writer that implements [`Write`](std::io::Write). /// /// Note: while it's possible to pass a `&mut [u8]` slice here since it implements `Write`, /// it would more effficient to use a specialized method instead: [`Encoder::encode_to_buf`]. #[cfg(feature = "std")] #[inline] pub fn encode_to_stream(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result { writer.write_all(&self.header.encode())?; let n_written = encode_impl_all(GenericWriter::new(writer), self.data, self.header.channels)?; Ok(n_written + QOI_HEADER_SIZE) } }