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2021-08-25 19:20:54 +00:00
# -1.0 == 21 => A0
# -0.1 == 69 - 12 => A3
# 0.0 == 69 => A4
# 0.1 == 69 + 12 => A5
# 0.2 == 69 + 12 => A6
# 0.3 == 69 + 12 => A7
# 0.4 == 69 + 12 => A8
# 0.5 == 69 + 12 => A9
# 0.6 == 69 + 12 => A10
# 0.7 == 69 + 12 => A11
# 0.7 == 69 + 12 => A12
# 0.9 == 69 + 12 => A13
# 1.0 == 69 + 12 => A14
!f2note = { 69.0 + _ * 120.0 };
!note2pitch = { 440.0 * 2.0 ^ ((_ - 69) / 12) };
!f2p = { 440.0 * 2.0 ^ (_ * 10.0); };
!pitch2note = {
12.0 * std:num:log2[_ / 440.0] + 69.0
!note2f = { _ / 120.0 - 0.575 };
!p2f = { 0.1 * std:num:log2[_ / 440.0] };
# ((($x as f32).max(0.01) / 440.0).log2() / 10.0)
!in = (1.0 / 12.0) / 10.0;
std:displayln :f2note ~ f2note in;
std:displayln :note2pitch ~ note2pitch ~ f2note in;
std:displayln :f2p " "~ f2p in;
!f = f2p in;
std:displayln :pitch2note " "~ pitch2note f;
std:displayln :note2f " "~ note2f ~ pitch2note f;
std:displayln :p2f " "~ p2f f;
!eucMod = {
!a = int _;
!b = int _1;
!q = a % b;
if q < 0 { return ~ if b > 0 { q + b } { q - b } };
2021-08-26 03:01:22 +00:00
!eucDiv = {
!a = int _;
!b = int _1;
!div = a / b;
!mod = a % b;
if mod < 0 { .div -= 1; };
2021-08-25 19:20:54 +00:00
# gets the index in the 24 half semitone array
!get_note_idx = {
2021-08-26 03:01:22 +00:00
!num = _ * 240.0; # twice the resolution, for quater notes and a more even quantization
!r = int ~ std:num:floor num;
!o = eucDiv r 24;
.r -= o * 24;
# std:displayln ~ $F " in={:8.5} r={:2} o={:2}" _ r o;
2021-08-26 03:01:22 +00:00
2021-08-25 19:20:54 +00:00
2021-08-26 03:01:22 +00:00
iter f $[
$[10, 0, 0],
$[-10, 0, 0],
$[0, 1, -11],
$[0, 1, 6],
$[0, 1, 0],
$[0, -11, -5],
$[0, -1, 0],
# $[0, -1, 0],
# $[0, -1, -1],
# $[0, -1, 1],
# $[-1, -1, 0],
# $[-1, 1, 0],
# $[1, -1, 0],
# $[1, 1, 0],
# $[2, -1, 1],
# $[2, 1, 1],
$[2, -11, 0],
$[2, 11, 0],
$[-9, -1, 0],
] {
!num =
float[f.0] * 0.1
+ (float[f.1] / 120.0)
+ (float[f.2] / 1200.0);
#-0.2, -0.3, -0.4, -0.5, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, -1.0, 1.0] {
std:displayln ~
$F "o={:2} n={:2} c={:2} | {:6.3} => {:3}"
f.0 f.1 f.2 num (get_note_idx num);
2021-08-25 19:20:54 +00:00
!n = 1000;
iter f 0 => n {
!x = (float[f] / float[n]) - 0.5;
std:displayln ~ $F "[{:5.3}] => {}" x get_note_idx[x];
2021-08-25 19:20:54 +00:00
# Taken from VCV Rack Fundamental Modules Quantizer.cpp
# Under GPL-3.0-or-later
# void process(const ProcessArgs& args) override {
# bool playingNotes[12] = {};
# int channels = std::max(inputs[PITCH_INPUT].getChannels(), 1);
# for (int c = 0; c < channels; c++) {
# float pitch = inputs[PITCH_INPUT].getVoltage(c);
2021-08-26 03:01:22 +00:00
# int range = std::floor(pitch * 24); // 1.1 => 26
# int octave = eucDiv(range, 24); // 26 => 1
# range -= octave * 24; // 26 => 2
2021-08-25 19:20:54 +00:00
# int note = ranges[range] + octave * 12;
# playingNotes[eucMod(note, 12)] = true;
# pitch = float(note) / 12;
# outputs[PITCH_OUTPUT].setVoltage(pitch, c);
# }
# outputs[PITCH_OUTPUT].setChannels(channels);
# std::memcpy(this->playingNotes, playingNotes, sizeof(playingNotes));
# }
# void updateRanges() {
# // Check if no notes are enabled
# bool anyEnabled = false;
# for (int note = 0; note < 12; note++) {
# if (enabledNotes[note]) {
# anyEnabled = true;
# break;
# }
# }
# // Find closest notes for each range
# for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { // => Oversampling, for taking care of the rounding?!
# int closestNote = 0;
# int closestDist = INT_MAX;
# for (int note = -12; note <= 24; note++) {
# int dist = std::abs((i + 1) / 2 - note);
# // Ignore enabled state if no notes are enabled
# if (anyEnabled && !enabledNotes[eucMod(note, 12)]) {
# continue;
# }
# if (dist < closestDist) {
# closestNote = note;
# closestDist = dist;
# }
# else {
# // If dist increases, we won't find a better one.
# break;
# }
# }
# ranges[i] = closestNote;
# }
# }
!mk_pitch_lookup_table = {!enabled = _;
!any = $f;
iter n enabled { if n { .any = $t } };
!tbl = $[];
2021-08-25 19:20:54 +00:00
iter i 0 => 24 {
!minDistNote = 0;
!minDist = 10000000000;
iter note -12 => 25 {
!dist = std:num:abs[ (i + 1) / 2 - note ];
!idx = eucMod note 12;
if any &and not[enabled.(idx)] {
std:displayln "DIST" (i + 1) / 2 note idx "=>" dist;
if dist < minDist {
.minDistNote = idx;
.minDist = dist;
} { break[] };
tbl.(i) = minDistNote;
!lkup = mk_pitch_lookup_table $[
$f, $f, $f, $f, $f, $f,
$f, $f, $f, $t, $t, $t,
std:displayln ~ eucMod -1 12;
std:displayln lkup;
!k = ${};
!i = 0;
while i < 24 {
std:displayln (i / 2) + 1 " => " lkup.(i) lkup.(i + 1);
k.(lkup.(i)) = k.(lkup.(i)) + 1;
k.(lkup.(i + 1)) = k.(lkup.(i + 1)) + 1;
.i += 2;
std:displayln k;
2021-08-25 19:20:54 +00:00
#std:displayln ~ get_note_offs ~ note2f (0.1 + (4.0 / 12.0) / 10.0);