added documentation for writing nodes for HexoDSP
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 324 additions and 11 deletions
@ -2181,16 +2181,6 @@ impl<F: Flt> TriSawLFO<F> {
self.phase * self.fall_r - self.fall_r
if s.abs() > f(1.0) {
"RECALC TRISAW: rev={}, rise={}, fall={}, phase={}",
self.rise_r.to_f64().unwrap_or(0.0) as f32,
self.fall_r.to_f64().unwrap_or(0.0) as f32,
self.phase.to_f64().unwrap_or(0.0) as f32
self.phase = self.phase + self.freq * self.israte;
@ -1,7 +1,330 @@
// Copyright (c) 2021 Weird Constructor <>
// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Weird Constructor <>
// This file is a part of HexoDSP. Released under GPL-3.0-or-later.
// See and COPYING for details.
# HexoDSP DSP nodes and DSP code
## How to Add a New DSP Node
When adding a new node to HexoDSP, I recommend working through the following checklist:
- [ ] Implement boilerplate
- [ ] Document boilerplate
- [ ] DSP implementation
- [ ] Parameter fine tuning
- [ ] DSP tests for all params
- [ ] Ensure Documentation is properly formatted for the GUI
- [ ] Add entry in HexoSynth
- [ ] Add entry in HexoDSP
- [ ] Add table entry in in HexoSynth
- [ ] Add table entry in in HexoDSP
Here are some hints to get you started:
### Boilerplate
- I recommend copying an existing node code, like `` for instance.
- In this file `` copy it's entry in the `node_list` macro definition.
- Copy the `tests/` file to have a starting point for the automated testing.
Also keep in mind looking in other tests, about how they test things. Commonly used
macros are found in the ´tests/common/´ module.
A `node_list` macro entry looks like this:
// node_id => node_label UIType UICategory
// | | / |
// / /------/ / |
// / | / |
xxx => Xxx UIType::Generic UICategory::Signal
// node_param_idx
// name denorm round format steps norm norm denorm
// norm_fun fun fun fun def min max default
(0 inp n_id d_id r_id f_def stp_d -1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
(1 gain n_gain d_gain r_id f_def stp_d 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)
(2 att n_att d_att r_id f_def stp_d 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)
// node_param_idx UI widget type (mode, knob, sample)
// | atom_idx | format fun
// | | name constructor| | min max
// | | | | def|ult_v|lue | /
// | | | | | | | | |
{3 0 mono setting(0) mode fa_out_mono 0 1},
[0 sig],
The first entries, encapsulated in ´( )´ are the input ports or also called input parameters.
Input parameters can be connected to outputs of other DSP nodes. In contrast to the ´{ }´ encapsulated
so called _Atom parameters_. The data type for these is the [SAtom] datatype. And these parameters
can not be automated.
### Node Documentation
Every DSP node must come with online documentation. The online documentation is what makes the
node usable in the first place. It's the only hint for the user to learn how to use this node.
Keep in mind that the user is not an engineer, but usually a musician. They want to make music
and know how to use a parameter.
Every input parameter and atom parameter requires you to define a documenation entry in the
corresponding ´node_*.rs´ module/file. And also a _DESC_ and _HELP_ entry.
Here an example from ´´:
pub const inp: &'static str =
"Ad inp\nSignal input. If you don't connect this, and set this to 1.0 \
this will act as envelope signal generator. But you can also just \
route a signal directly through this of course.\nRange: (-1..1)\n";
The general format of the parameter documentation should be:
"<Node name> <parameter name>\n
A short description what this paramter means/does and relates to others.\n
Range: <range>\n"
Keep the description of the paramter short and concise. Look at the space available
in HexoSynth where this is displayed. If you want to write more elaborate documentation
for a paramter, write it in the `HELP` entry.
The _range_ relates to the DSP signal range this paramter is supposed to receive.
This should either be the unipolar range (0..1) or the bipolar range (-1..1). Other
ranges should be avoided, because everything in HexoDSP is supposed to be fine with
receiving values in those ranges.
Next you need to document the node itself, how it works what it does and so on...
For this there are two entries:
pub const DESC: &'static str = r#"Attack-Decay Envelope
This is a simple envelope offering an attack time and decay time with a shape parameter.
You can use it as envelope generator to modulate other inputs or process a signal with it directly.
pub const HELP: &'static str = r#"Ad - Attack-Decay Envelope
This simple two stage envelope with attack and decay offers shape parameters
_DESC_ should only contain a short description of the node. It's space is as limited as the
space for the parameter description. It will be autowrapped.
_HELP_ can be a multiple pages long detailed description of the node. Keep the
width of the lines below a certain limit (below 80 usually). Or else it will be
truncated in the help text window in HexoSynth. As inspiration what should be in
the help documentation:
- What the node does (even if it repeats mostly what _DESC_ already says)
- How the input paramters relate to each other.
- What the different atom settings (if any) mean.
- Which other DSP nodes this node is commonly combined with.
- Interesting or even uncommon uses of this DSP node.
- Try to inspire the user to experiment.
### Node Code Structure
For non trivial DSP nodes, the DSP code itself should be separate from it's `dsp/node_*.rs`
file. That file should only care about interfacing the DSP code with HexoDSP, but not implement
all the complicated DSP code. It's good practice to factor out the DSP code into
a separate module or file.
Look at `` for instance. It wires up the `TriSawLFO` from `dsp/`
to the HexoDSP node interface.
use super::helpers::{TriSawLFO, Trigger};
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct TsLFO {
lfo: Box<TriSawLFO<f64>>,
trig: Trigger,
// ...
impl DspNode for TsLFO {
// ...
fn process<T: NodeAudioContext>(&mut self, /* ... */) {
// ...
let lfo = &mut *self.lfo;
for frame in 0..ctx.nframes() {
// ...
out.write(frame, lfo.next_unipolar() as f32);
// ...
The code for `TriSawLFO` in `dsp/` is then independent and reusable else where.
### Node Beautification
To make nodes responsive in HexoSynth the `DspNode::process` function receives the [LedPhaseVals].
These should be written after the inner loop that calculates the samples. The first context value
is the _LED value_, it should be in the range between -1 and 1. The most easy way to set it is
by using the last written sample from your loop:
ctx_vals[0].set( - 1));
But consider giving it a more meaningful value if possible. The `` sets the LED value
to the internal phase value of the envelope instead of it's output.
The second value in [LedPhaseVals] is the _Phase value_. It usually has special meaning for the
node specific visualizations. Such as TSeq emits the position of the playhead for instance.
The CQnt quantizer emits the most recently activated key to the GUI using the Phase value.
Consider also providing a visualization graph if possible. You can look eg at ``
or `` or many others how to provide a visualization graph function:
impl DspNode for TsLFO {
fn graph_fun() -> Option<GraphFun> {
Some(Box::new(|gd: &dyn GraphAtomData, _init: bool, x: f32, xn: f32| -> f32 {
// ...
Let me explain the callback function parameters quickly:
- `gd: &dyn GraphAtomData` this trait object gives you access to the input paramters of
this node. And also the LED and Phase values.
- `init: bool` allows you to detect when the first sample of the graph is being drawn/requested.
You can use this to reset any state that is carried with the callback.
- `x: f32` is the current X position of the graph. Use this to derive the Y value which
must be returned from the callback.
- `xn: f32` is the next value for X. This is useful for determining if your function might
reaches a min or max between _x_ and _xn_, so you could for instance return the min or max
value now instead of the next sample.
### Automated Testing of Your Node
The start of your `tests/node_*.rs` file usually should look like this:
mod common;
use common::*;
fn check_node_ad_1() {
let (node_conf, mut node_exec) = new_node_engine();
let mut matrix = Matrix::new(node_conf, 3, 3);
let ad = NodeId::Ad(0);
let out = NodeId::Out(0);
||||, 0, Cell::empty(ad).out(None, None, ad.out("sig")));
||||, 1, Cell::empty(out).input(out.inp("ch1"), None, None));
// ...
Lets dissect this a bit. The beginning of each test case should setup an instance of the DSP engine
of HexoDSP using [crate::new_node_engine]. It returns a [crate::NodeConfigurator] and a [crate::NodeExecutor].
The first is responsible for setting up the DSP graph and modifying it at runtime.
The latter ([crate::NodeExecutor]) is responsible for executing the DSP graph and generate output samples.
let (node_conf, mut node_exec) = new_node_engine();
The [crate::Matrix] abstraction encapsulates the configurator and provides you an interface
to layout the nodes in a hexagonal grid. It is currently the easiest API for using HexoDSP.
The two parameters to _new_ are the width and height of the hex grid.
let mut matrix = Matrix::new(node_conf, 3, 3);
Next you usually want to define short variable names for the [NodeId] that refer to the DSP
node instances:
let ad = NodeId::Ad(0);
let out = NodeId::Out(0);
You can have multiple instances for a node. The number in the parenthesis are
the instance index of that node.
Next you want to layout the nodes adjacent to each other on the hexagonal grid.
This is a bit more tricky than with a rectangular grid.
||||, 0, Cell::empty(ad).out(None, None, ad.out("sig")));
||||, 1, Cell::empty(out).input(out.inp("ch1"), None, None));
The `sync` is necessary to update the DSP graph.
When doing this, keep the following grid layout in mind:
_____ _____
/ \ / \
/ 0,0 \_____/ 2,0 \_____
\ / \ / \
\_____/ 1,0 \_____/ 3,0 \
/ \ / \ /
/ 0,1 \_____/ 2,1 \_____/
\ / \ / \
\_____/ 1,1 \_____/ 3,1 \
/ \ / \ /
/ 0,2 \_____/ 2,2 \_____/
\ / \ /
\_____/ 1,2 \_____/
\ /
After you have setup everything for the test, you usually want to modify a paramter
and look at the values the graph returns.
fn check_node_ad_1() {
// matrix setup code above
// Fetch parameter id:
let trig_p = ad.inp_param("trig").unwrap();
// Set parameter:
matrix.set_param(trig_p, SAtom::param(1.0));
/// Run the DSP graph for 25 milliseconds of audio.
let res = run_for_ms(&mut node_exec, 25.0);
// `res` now contains two vectors. one for first channel "ch1"
// and one for the second channel "ch2".
// ....
***Attention: This is important to keep in mind:*** After using `matrix.set_param(...)` to
set a paramter, keep in mind that the parameter values will be smoothed. That means it will
take a few milliseconds until `trig_p` reaches the 1.0. In case of the Ad node that means
the trigger threshold won't be triggered at the first sample, but a few milliseconds
mod node_ad;
Add table
Reference in a new issue