tuned the BowStri oscillator
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 74 additions and 8 deletions
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ impl BowedString {
self.string_filter =
0.75 - (0.2 * (22050.0 / sample_rate)),
pub fn reset(&mut self) {
@ -78,25 +78,33 @@ impl BowedString {
freq: f32, bow_velocity: f32, bow_force: f32, pos: f32
) -> f32
// baseDelay_ = Stk::sampleRate() / frequency - 4.0;
// if ( baseDelay_ <= 0.0 ) baseDelay_ = 0.3;
// bridgeDelay_.setDelay( baseDelay_ * betaRatio_ ); // bow to bridge length
// neckDelay_.setDelay( baseDelay_ * (1.0 - betaRatio_) ); // bow to nut (finger) length
let total_l = self.srate / freq.max(20.0);
let total_l = if total_l <= 0.0 { 0.3 } else { total_l };
let bow_position = ((pos + 1.0) / 2.0).clamp(0.01, 0.99);
let bow_nut_l = total_l * (1.0 - bow_position);
let bow_bridge_l = total_l * bow_position;
let nut = -self.nut_to_bow.linear_interpolate_at_s(bow_nut_l);
let brid = self.bow_to_bridge.linear_interpolate_at_s(bow_bridge_l);
let nut = -self.nut_to_bow.cubic_interpolate_at_s(bow_nut_l);
let brid = self.bow_to_bridge.cubic_interpolate_at_s(bow_bridge_l);
let bridge = -self.string_filter.process(brid);
let dv = bow_velocity - (nut + bridge);
let dv = 0.25 * bow_velocity - (nut + bridge);
let phat =
((dv + 0.001) * bow_force + 0.75)
.clamp(0.0, 0.98);
.clamp(0.01, 0.98);
let phat = phat * dv;
self.bow_to_bridge.feed(nut + phat*dv);
self.nut_to_bow.feed(bridge + phat*dv);
self.bow_to_bridge.feed(nut + phat);
self.nut_to_bow.feed(bridge + phat);
let mut output = bridge;
for f in self.body_filters.iter_mut() {
@ -107,6 +115,44 @@ impl BowedString {
// maxVelocity_ = 0.25;
// StkFloat bowVelocity = maxVelocity_ * adsr_.tick();
// StkFloat bridgeReflection = -stringFilter_.tick( bridgeDelay_.lastOut() );
// StkFloat nutReflection = -neckDelay_.lastOut();
// StkFloat stringVelocity = bridgeReflection + nutReflection;
// StkFloat deltaV = bowVelocity - stringVelocity; // Differential velocity
// StkFloat newVelocity = 0.0;
// if ( bowDown_ )
// newVelocity = deltaV * bowTable_.tick( deltaV ); // Non-Linear bow function
// | // The input represents differential string vs. bow velocity.
// |
// | StkFloat sample = deltaV + 0.001; // add bias to input
// | sample *= 3.0; // then scale it
// | lastFrame_[0] = fabs( (double) sample ) + 0.75;
// | lastFrame_[0] = pow( lastFrame_[0], (StkFloat) -4.0 );
// |
// | // Set minimum threshold
// | if ( lastFrame_[0] < minOutput_ ) lastFrame_[0] = minOutput_;
// |
// | // Set maximum threshold
// | if ( lastFrame_[0] > maxOutput_ ) lastFrame_[0] = maxOutput_;
// |
// | return lastFrame_[0];
// neckDelay_.tick( bridgeReflection + newVelocity); // Do string propagations
// bridgeDelay_.tick(nutReflection + newVelocity);
// lastFrame_[0] = 0.1248
// * bodyFilters_[5].tick(
// bodyFilters_[4].tick(
// bodyFilters_[3].tick(
// bodyFilters_[2].tick(
// bodyFilters_[1].tick(
// bodyFilters_[0].tick(
// bridgeDelay_.lastOut()))))));
/// A sine oscillator
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct BowStri {
@ -148,6 +194,13 @@ This is an oscillator that simulates a bowed string.
pub const HELP : &'static str =
r#"BowStri - A Bowed String Oscillator
This is an oscillator that simulates a bowed string.
It's a bit wonky, so play around with the parameters and see what
works and what doesn't. It plays find in the area from ~55Hz up to
~1760Hz, beyond that it might not produce a sound.
I can recommend to apply an envelope to the 'vel' parameter,
which is basically the bow's velocity.
@ -178,7 +231,20 @@ impl DspNode for BowStri {
let mut last_val = 0.0;
for frame in 0..ctx.nframes() {
let freq = denorm_offs::BowStri::freq(freq, det.read(frame), frame);
// The BowStri oscillator is usually off by ~30 cent per octave,
// that makes it off by 1 semitone at about 1760Hz and off by ~30
// at 440 Hz.
// Calculate some tune correction here based on the
// normalized value (-0.2 is 110Hz, 0.0 is 440Hz, ...):
let tune_correction =
(freq.read(frame).clamp(-0.2, 1.0) + 0.2)
* 10.0 * 0.0012;
let freq =
tune_correction + det.read(frame),
let out =
Add table
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