// Copyright (c) 2021 Weird Constructor <weirdconstructor@gmail.com> // This is a part of HexoDSP. Released under (A)GPLv3 or any later. // See README.md and COPYING for details. use crate::dsp::NodeId; use crate::nodes::MAX_ALLOCATED_NODES; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::collections::HashSet; pub const MAX_NODE_EDGES : usize = 64; pub const UNUSED_NODE_EDGE : usize = 999999; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)] struct Node { /// The [NodeId] of this node. node_id: NodeId, /// The output edges of this node. edges: [usize; MAX_NODE_EDGES], /// The first unused index in the `edges` array. unused_idx: usize, } impl Node { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { node_id: NodeId::Nop, edges: [UNUSED_NODE_EDGE; MAX_NODE_EDGES], unused_idx: 0, } } pub fn clear(&mut self) { self.node_id = NodeId::Nop; self.edges = [UNUSED_NODE_EDGE; MAX_NODE_EDGES]; self.unused_idx = 0; } pub fn add_edge(&mut self, node_index: usize) { for ni in self.edges.iter().take(self.unused_idx) { if *ni == node_index { return; } } self.edges[self.unused_idx] = node_index; self.unused_idx += 1; } } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct NodeGraphOrdering { node2idx: HashMap<NodeId, usize>, node_count: usize, nodes: [Node; MAX_ALLOCATED_NODES], in_degree: [usize; MAX_ALLOCATED_NODES], } impl NodeGraphOrdering { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { node2idx: HashMap::new(), node_count: 0, nodes: [Node::new(); MAX_ALLOCATED_NODES], in_degree: [0; MAX_ALLOCATED_NODES], } } pub fn clear(&mut self) { self.node2idx.clear(); self.node_count = 0; } pub fn add_node(&mut self, node_id: NodeId) -> usize { if let Some(idx) = self.node2idx.get(&node_id) { *idx } else { let idx = self.node_count; self.node_count += 1; self.nodes[idx].clear(); self.nodes[idx].node_id = node_id; self.node2idx.insert(node_id, idx); idx } } fn get_node(&self, node_id: NodeId) -> Option<&Node> { let idx = *self.node2idx.get(&node_id)?; Some(&self.nodes[idx]) } fn get_node_mut(&mut self, node_id: NodeId) -> Option<&mut Node> { let idx = *self.node2idx.get(&node_id)?; Some(&mut self.nodes[idx]) } pub fn add_edge(&mut self, from_node_id: NodeId, to_node_id: NodeId) { let to_idx = self.add_node(to_node_id); if let Some(from_node) = self.get_node_mut(from_node_id) { from_node.add_edge(to_idx); } } pub fn has_path(&self, from_node_id: NodeId, to_node_id: NodeId) -> Option<bool> { let mut visited_set : HashSet<NodeId> = HashSet::with_capacity(MAX_ALLOCATED_NODES); let mut node_stack = Vec::with_capacity(MAX_ALLOCATED_NODES); node_stack.push(from_node_id); while let Some(node_id) = node_stack.pop() { if visited_set.contains(&node_id) { return None; } else { visited_set.insert(node_id); } if node_id == to_node_id { return Some(true); } if let Some(node) = self.get_node(node_id) { for node_idx in node.edges.iter().take(node.unused_idx) { node_stack.push(self.nodes[*node_idx].node_id); } } } return Some(false); } /// Run Kahn's Algorithm to find the node order for the directed /// graph. `out` will contain the order the nodes should be /// executed in. If `false` is returned, the graph contains cycles /// and no proper order can be computed. `out` will be cleared /// in this case. pub fn calculate_order(&mut self, out: &mut Vec<NodeId>) -> bool { let mut deq = std::collections::VecDeque::with_capacity(MAX_ALLOCATED_NODES); for indeg in self.in_degree.iter_mut() { *indeg = 0; } for node in self.nodes.iter().take(self.node_count) { for out_node_idx in node.edges.iter().take(node.unused_idx) { self.in_degree[*out_node_idx] += 1; } } for idx in 0..self.node_count { if self.in_degree[idx] == 0 { deq.push_back(idx); } } let mut visited_count = 0; while let Some(node_idx) = deq.pop_front() { visited_count += 1; let node = &self.nodes[node_idx]; out.push(node.node_id); for neigh_node_idx in node.edges.iter().take(node.unused_idx) { self.in_degree[*neigh_node_idx] -= 1; if self.in_degree[*neigh_node_idx] == 0 { deq.push_back(*neigh_node_idx); } } } if visited_count != self.node_count { out.clear(); false } else { true } } } impl Default for NodeGraphOrdering { fn default() -> Self { Self::new() } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn check_ngraph_dfs_1() { let mut ng = NodeGraphOrdering::new(); ng.add_node(NodeId::Sin(2)); ng.add_node(NodeId::Sin(1)); ng.add_node(NodeId::Sin(0)); ng.add_node(NodeId::Sin(0)); ng.add_edge(NodeId::Sin(2), NodeId::Sin(0)); ng.add_edge(NodeId::Sin(0), NodeId::Sin(1)); assert!(ng.has_path(NodeId::Sin(2), NodeId::Sin(1)).unwrap()); assert!(ng.has_path(NodeId::Sin(2), NodeId::Sin(0)).unwrap()); assert!(ng.has_path(NodeId::Sin(0), NodeId::Sin(1)).unwrap()); assert!(!ng.has_path(NodeId::Sin(1), NodeId::Sin(0)).unwrap()); assert!(!ng.has_path(NodeId::Sin(0), NodeId::Sin(2)).unwrap()); assert!(!ng.has_path(NodeId::Amp(0), NodeId::Out(2)).unwrap()); } #[test] fn check_ngraph_order_1() { let mut ng = NodeGraphOrdering::new(); ng.add_node(NodeId::Sin(2)); ng.add_node(NodeId::Sin(1)); ng.add_node(NodeId::Sin(0)); ng.add_edge(NodeId::Sin(2), NodeId::Sin(0)); ng.add_edge(NodeId::Sin(0), NodeId::Sin(1)); let mut out = vec![]; assert!(ng.calculate_order(&mut out)); assert_eq!(out[..], [NodeId::Sin(2), NodeId::Sin(0), NodeId::Sin(1)]); } #[test] fn check_ngraph_order_2() { let mut ng = NodeGraphOrdering::new(); ng.add_node(NodeId::Sin(2)); ng.add_node(NodeId::Sin(1)); ng.add_node(NodeId::Sin(0)); ng.add_node(NodeId::Out(0)); ng.add_node(NodeId::Amp(0)); ng.add_node(NodeId::Amp(1)); ng.add_edge(NodeId::Sin(2), NodeId::Sin(0)); ng.add_edge(NodeId::Sin(0), NodeId::Sin(1)); let mut out = vec![]; assert!(ng.calculate_order(&mut out)); assert_eq!(out[..], [ NodeId::Sin(2), NodeId::Out(0), NodeId::Amp(0), NodeId::Amp(1), NodeId::Sin(0), NodeId::Sin(1) ]); } #[test] fn check_ngraph_order_3() { let mut ng = NodeGraphOrdering::new(); ng.add_node(NodeId::Sin(2)); ng.add_node(NodeId::Sin(1)); ng.add_node(NodeId::Sin(0)); ng.add_node(NodeId::Out(0)); ng.add_node(NodeId::Amp(0)); ng.add_node(NodeId::Amp(1)); /* amp0 => sin0 sin2 => sin0 => sin1 => out0 => amp1 => sin0 */ ng.add_edge(NodeId::Sin(2), NodeId::Sin(0)); ng.add_edge(NodeId::Amp(0), NodeId::Sin(0)); ng.add_edge(NodeId::Amp(1), NodeId::Sin(0)); ng.add_edge(NodeId::Sin(2), NodeId::Amp(1)); ng.add_edge(NodeId::Sin(0), NodeId::Sin(1)); ng.add_edge(NodeId::Sin(1), NodeId::Out(0)); let mut out = vec![]; assert!(ng.calculate_order(&mut out)); assert_eq!(out[..], [ NodeId::Sin(2), NodeId::Amp(0), NodeId::Amp(1), NodeId::Sin(0), NodeId::Sin(1), NodeId::Out(0), ]); } #[test] fn check_ngraph_order_4() { let mut ng = NodeGraphOrdering::new(); ng.add_node(NodeId::Sin(2)); ng.add_node(NodeId::Sin(1)); ng.add_node(NodeId::Sin(0)); ng.add_node(NodeId::Out(0)); ng.add_node(NodeId::Amp(0)); ng.add_node(NodeId::Amp(1)); /* amp1 => amp0 => sin0 sin2 => sin1 => out0 */ ng.add_edge(NodeId::Amp(1), NodeId::Amp(0)); ng.add_edge(NodeId::Amp(0), NodeId::Sin(0)); ng.add_edge(NodeId::Sin(2), NodeId::Sin(1)); ng.add_edge(NodeId::Sin(1), NodeId::Out(0)); let mut out = vec![]; assert!(ng.calculate_order(&mut out)); assert_eq!(out[..], [ NodeId::Sin(2), NodeId::Amp(1), NodeId::Sin(1), NodeId::Amp(0), NodeId::Out(0), NodeId::Sin(0), ]); } #[test] fn check_ngraph_dfs_cycle_2() { let mut ng = NodeGraphOrdering::new(); ng.add_node(NodeId::Sin(2)); ng.add_node(NodeId::Sin(1)); ng.add_node(NodeId::Sin(0)); ng.add_edge(NodeId::Sin(2), NodeId::Sin(0)); ng.add_edge(NodeId::Sin(0), NodeId::Sin(1)); ng.add_edge(NodeId::Sin(0), NodeId::Sin(2)); assert!( ng.has_path(NodeId::Sin(2), NodeId::Sin(1)) .is_none()); let mut out = vec![]; assert!(!ng.calculate_order(&mut out)); } #[test] fn check_ngraph_clear() { let mut ng = NodeGraphOrdering::new(); ng.add_node(NodeId::Sin(2)); ng.add_node(NodeId::Sin(1)); ng.add_node(NodeId::Sin(0)); ng.add_edge(NodeId::Sin(2), NodeId::Sin(0)); ng.add_edge(NodeId::Sin(0), NodeId::Sin(1)); assert!(ng.has_path(NodeId::Sin(2), NodeId::Sin(1)).unwrap()); ng.clear(); assert!(!ng.has_path(NodeId::Sin(2), NodeId::Sin(1)).unwrap()); } }