// Copyright (c) 2021 Weird Constructor // This is a part of HexoDSP. Released under (A)GPLv3 or any later. // See README.md and COPYING for details. use crate::nodes::NodeAudioContext; use crate::dsp::{SAtom, ProcBuf, DspNode, LedPhaseVals}; use crate::dsp::{out, at, inp, denorm}; //, inp, denorm, denorm_v, inp_dir, at}; use super::helpers::Trigger; /// A simple amplifier #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Sampl { phase: f64, srate: f64, trig: Trigger, is_playing: bool, } impl Sampl { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { phase: 0.0, srate: 44100.0, trig: Trigger::new(), is_playing: false, } } pub const freq : &'static str = "Sampl freq\nPitch input for the sampler, giving the playback speed of the \ sample.\nRange: (-1..1)\n"; pub const trig : &'static str = "Sampl trig\nThe trigger input causes a resync of the playback phase \ and triggers the playback if the 'pmode' is 'OneShot'"; pub const spos : &'static str = "Sampl spos\nStart position offset.\nRange: (-1..1)\n"; pub const epos : &'static str = "Sampl epos\nEnd position offset.\nRange: (-1..1)\n"; pub const sample : &'static str = "Sampl sample\nThe audio sample that is played back.\nRange: (-1..1)\n"; pub const pmode : &'static str = "Sampl pmode\nThe playback mode of the sampler.\n\ - 'Loop' constantly plays back the sample. You can reset/sync the phase \ using the 'trig' input in this case.\n\ - 'OneShot' plays back the sample if a trigger is received on 'trig' input.\n"; pub const dclick : &'static str = "Sampl dclick\nIf this is enabled and the 'pmode' is 'OneShot' \ this will enable short fade in and out ramps.\n\ This if useful if you don't want to add an envelope just for \ getting rid of the clicks if spos and epos are modulated."; pub const sig : &'static str = "Sampl sig\nSampler audio output\nRange: (-1..1)\n"; } impl Sampl { #[inline] fn next_sample(&mut self, sr_factor: f64, speed: f64, sample_data: &[f32]) -> f32 { let sd_len = sample_data.len(); let i = self.phase.floor() as usize + sd_len; // Hermite interpolation, take from // https://github.com/eric-wood/delay/blob/main/src/delay.rs#L52 // // Thanks go to Eric Wood! // // For the interpolation code: // MIT License, Copyright (c) 2021 Eric Wood let xm1 = sample_data[(i - 1) % sd_len]; let x0 = sample_data[i % sd_len]; let x1 = sample_data[(i + 1) % sd_len]; let x2 = sample_data[(i + 2) % sd_len]; let c = (x1 - xm1) * 0.5; let v = x0 - x1; let w = c + v; let a = w + v + (x2 - x0) * 0.5; let b_neg = w + a; let f = self.phase.fract(); self.phase = (i % sd_len) as f64 + f + sr_factor * speed; let f = f as f32; (((a * f) - b_neg) * f + c) * f + x0 } #[inline] fn play_loop(&mut self, inputs: &[ProcBuf], nframes: usize, sample_data: &[f32], out: &mut ProcBuf) { let freq = inp::Sampl::freq(inputs); let sample_srate = sample_data[0] as f64; let sample_data = &sample_data[1..]; let sr_factor = sample_srate / self.srate; for frame in 0..nframes { let playback_speed = denorm::Sampl::freq(freq, frame) / 440.0; out.write(frame, self.next_sample( sr_factor, playback_speed as f64, sample_data)); } } #[inline] fn play_oneshot(&mut self, inputs: &[ProcBuf], nframes: usize, sample_data: &[f32], out: &mut ProcBuf) { let freq = inp::Sampl::freq(inputs); let trig = inp::Sampl::trig(inputs); let sample_srate = sample_data[0] as f64; let sample_data = &sample_data[1..]; let sr_factor = sample_srate / self.srate; let mut is_playing = self.is_playing; for frame in 0..nframes { let trig_val = denorm::Sampl::trig(trig, frame); let triggered = self.trig.check_trigger(trig_val); if triggered { self.phase = 0.0; is_playing = true; } if is_playing { let playback_speed = denorm::Sampl::freq(freq, frame) / 440.0; let prev_phase = self.phase; let s = self.next_sample( sr_factor, playback_speed as f64, sample_data); out.write(frame, s); // played past end => stop playing. if prev_phase > self.phase { is_playing = false; } } else { out.write(frame, 0.0); } } self.is_playing = is_playing; } } impl DspNode for Sampl { fn outputs() -> usize { 1 } fn set_sample_rate(&mut self, srate: f32) { self.srate = srate.into(); } fn reset(&mut self) { self.trig.reset(); } #[inline] fn process( &mut self, ctx: &mut T, atoms: &[SAtom], _params: &[ProcBuf], inputs: &[ProcBuf], outputs: &mut [ProcBuf], ctx_vals: LedPhaseVals) { let sample = at::Sampl::sample(atoms); let pmode = at::Sampl::pmode(atoms); let out = out::Sampl::sig(outputs); if let SAtom::AudioSample((_, Some(sample_data))) = sample { if pmode.i() == 0 { self.play_loop(inputs, ctx.nframes(), &sample_data[..], out); } else { self.play_oneshot(inputs, ctx.nframes(), &sample_data[..], out); } } else { for frame in 0..ctx.nframes() { out.write(frame, 0.0); } } let last_frame = ctx.nframes() - 1; ctx_vals[0].set(out.read(last_frame)); } }