// Copyright (c) 2021 Weird Constructor // This is a part of HexoDSP. Released under (A)GPLv3 or any later. // See README.md and COPYING for details. use super::MAX_PATTERN_LEN; use super::MAX_COLS; use crate::dsp::helpers::SplitMix64; pub struct PatternSequencer { rows: usize, data: Vec>, rng: SplitMix64, rand_vals: [(usize, f64); MAX_COLS], } const FRACT_16THS : [f32; 16] = [ 1.0 / 16.0, 2.0 / 16.0, 3.0 / 16.0, 4.0 / 16.0, 5.0 / 16.0, 6.0 / 16.0, 7.0 / 16.0, 8.0 / 16.0, 9.0 / 16.0, 10.0 / 16.0, 11.0 / 16.0, 12.0 / 16.0, 13.0 / 16.0, 14.0 / 16.0, 15.0 / 16.0, 1.0 ]; impl PatternSequencer { pub fn new_default_seed(rows: usize) -> Self { Self { rows, data: vec![vec![0.0; MAX_PATTERN_LEN]; MAX_COLS], rng: SplitMix64::new(0x91234), rand_vals: [(99999, 0.0); MAX_COLS], } } pub fn new(rows: usize) -> Self { use std::time::SystemTime; let seed = match SystemTime::now() .duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH) { Ok(n) => n.as_nanos() as i64, Err(_) => 1_234_567_890, }; Self { rows, data: vec![vec![0.0; MAX_PATTERN_LEN]; MAX_COLS], rng: SplitMix64::new_from_i64(seed), rand_vals: [(99999, 0.0); MAX_COLS], } } pub fn set_rows(&mut self, rows: usize) { self.rows = rows; } pub fn rows(&self) -> usize { self.rows } pub fn set_col(&mut self, col: usize, col_data: &[f32]) { for (out_cell, in_cell) in self.data[col] .iter_mut() .zip(col_data.iter()) { *out_cell = *in_cell; } } pub fn col_interpolate_at_phase( &self, col: usize, phase: &[f32], out: &mut [f32]) { let col = &self.data[col][..]; let last_row_idx : f32 = (self.rows as f32) - 0.000001; let rows = self.rows; for (phase, out) in phase.iter().zip(out.iter_mut()) { let row_phase = phase * last_row_idx; let phase_frac = row_phase.fract(); let line = row_phase.floor() as usize % rows; let prev_line = if line == 0 { self.rows - 1 } else { line - 1 }; let prev = col[prev_line]; let next = col[line]; // println!("INTERP: {}={:9.7}, {}={:9.7} | {:9.7}", // prev_line, prev, // line, next, // phase_frac); *out = prev * (1.0 - phase_frac) + next * phase_frac; } } pub fn col_get_at_phase( &self, col: usize, phase: &[f32], out: &mut [f32]) { let col = &self.data[col][..]; let last_row_idx : f32 = (self.rows as f32) - 0.000001; let rows = self.rows; for (phase, out) in phase.iter().zip(out.iter_mut()) { let row_phase = phase * last_row_idx; let line = row_phase.floor() as usize % rows; *out = col[line]; } } pub fn col_gate_at_phase( &mut self, col_idx: usize, phase: &[f32], out: &mut [f32]) { let col = &self.data[col_idx][..]; let last_row_idx : f32 = (self.rows as f32) - 0.000001; let rows = self.rows; for (phase, out) in phase.iter().zip(out.iter_mut()) { let row_phase = phase.clamp(0.0, 1.0) * last_row_idx; let line = row_phase.floor() as usize % rows; let phase_frac = row_phase.fract(); let gate : u32 = col[line].to_bits(); // pulse_width: // 0xF - Gate is on for full row // 0x0 - Gate is on for a very short burst let pulse_width : f32 = FRACT_16THS[(gate & 0x00F) as usize]; // row_div: // 0xF - Row has 1 Gate // 0x0 - Row is divided up into 16 Gates let row_div : f32 = (16 - ((gate & 0x0F0) >> 4)) as f32; // probability: // 0xF - Row is always triggered // 0x7 - Row fires only in 50% of the cases // 0x0 - Row fires only in ~6% of the cases let probability : u8 = ((gate & 0xF00) >> 8) as u8; let sub_frac = (phase_frac * row_div).fract(); //d// println!( //d// "row_div={}, pw={}, phase={} / {}", //d// row_div, pulse_width, sub_frac, phase_frac); if probability < 0xF { let rand_val = if self.rand_vals[col_idx].0 != line { let new_rand_val = self.rng.next_open01(); self.rand_vals[col_idx] = (line, new_rand_val); new_rand_val } else { self.rand_vals[col_idx].1 }; //d// println!("RANDVAL: {:?} | {:9.7}", self.rand_vals[col_idx], FRACT_16THS[probability as usize]); if rand_val > (FRACT_16THS[probability as usize] as f64) { *out = 0.0; continue; } } println!("GATE: {:0X}", gate); if (gate & 0xF000) > 0 { *out = 0.0; } else { *out = if sub_frac <= pulse_width { 1.0 } else { 0.0 }; } } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; macro_rules! assert_float_eq { ($a:expr, $b:expr) => { if ($a - $b).abs() > 0.0001 { panic!(r#"assertion failed: `(left == right)` left: `{:?}`, right: `{:?}`"#, $a, $b) } } } #[test] fn check_seq_interpolate_1() { let mut ps = PatternSequencer::new(2); ps.set_col(0, &[0.0, 1.0]); let mut out = [0.0; 6]; ps.col_interpolate_at_phase(0, &[0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.51, 0.9, 0.99999], &mut out[..]); assert_float_eq!(out[0], 1.0); assert_float_eq!(out[1], 0.8); assert_float_eq!(out[2], 0.0); assert_float_eq!(out[3], 0.02); assert_float_eq!(out[4], 0.8); assert_float_eq!(out[5], 0.99999); } #[test] fn check_seq_interpolate_buffer_end() { let mut ps = PatternSequencer::new(256); ps.set_col(0, &[f32::from_bits(0xF000); 256]); let mut out = [0.0; 1]; ps.col_gate_at_phase(0, &[0.9999999999], &mut out[..]); assert_float_eq!(out[0], 0.0); let mut ps = PatternSequencer::new(256); ps.set_col(0, &[0.0; 256]); ps.col_get_at_phase(0, &[0.9999999999], &mut out[..]); assert_float_eq!(out[0], 0.0); ps.col_interpolate_at_phase(0, &[0.9999999999], &mut out[..]); assert_float_eq!(out[0], 0.0); } #[test] fn check_seq_step_1() { let mut ps = PatternSequencer::new(2); ps.set_col(0, &[0.0, 1.0]); let mut out = [0.0; 3]; ps.col_get_at_phase(0, &[0.1, 0.51, 0.9], &mut out[..]); assert_float_eq!(out[0], 0.0); assert_float_eq!(out[1], 1.0); assert_float_eq!(out[2], 1.0); } #[test] fn check_seq_step_2() { let mut ps = PatternSequencer::new(3); ps.set_col(0, &[0.0, 0.3, 1.0]); let mut out = [0.0; 6]; ps.col_get_at_phase(0, &[0.1, 0.5, 0.51, 0.6, 0.9, 0.99], &mut out[..]); assert_float_eq!(out[0], 0.0); assert_float_eq!(out[1], 0.3); assert_float_eq!(out[2], 0.3); assert_float_eq!(out[3], 0.3); assert_float_eq!(out[4], 1.0); assert_float_eq!(out[5], 1.0); } #[test] fn check_seq_gate_1() { let mut ps = PatternSequencer::new(2); ps.set_col(0, &[ f32::from_bits(0x0FFF), f32::from_bits(0xF000), ]); let mut out = [0.0; 6]; ps.col_gate_at_phase(0, &[0.1, 0.5, 0.5001, 0.6, 0.9, 0.99], &mut out[..]); //d// println!("out: {:?}", out); assert_float_eq!(out[0], 1.0); assert_float_eq!(out[1], 1.0); assert_float_eq!(out[2], 0.0); assert_float_eq!(out[3], 0.0); assert_float_eq!(out[4], 0.0); assert_float_eq!(out[5], 0.0); } fn count_high(slice: &[f32]) -> usize { let mut sum = 0; for p in slice.iter() { if *p > 0.5 { sum += 1; } } sum } fn count_up(slice: &[f32]) -> usize { let mut sum = 0; let mut cur = 0.0; for p in slice.iter() { if cur < 0.1 && *p > 0.5 { sum += 1; } cur = *p; } sum } #[test] fn check_seq_gate_2() { let mut ps = PatternSequencer::new(3); ps.set_col(0, &[ f32::from_bits(0x0FF0), f32::from_bits(0x0FF7), f32::from_bits(0x0FFF), ]); let mut phase = vec![0.0; 96]; let inc = 1.0 / (96.0 - 1.0); let mut phase_run = 0.0; for p in phase.iter_mut() { *p = phase_run; phase_run += inc; } //d// println!("PHASE: {:?}", phase); let mut out = [0.0; 96]; ps.col_gate_at_phase(0, &phase[..], &mut out[..]); //d// println!("out: {:?}", &out[0..32]); assert_eq!(count_high(&out[0..32]), 2); assert_eq!(count_high(&out[32..64]), 16); assert_eq!(count_high(&out[64..96]), 32); assert_eq!(count_up(&out[0..32]), 1); assert_eq!(count_up(&out[32..64]), 1); assert_eq!(count_up(&out[64..96]), 1); } #[test] fn check_seq_gate_div_1() { let mut ps = PatternSequencer::new(3); ps.set_col(0, &[ f32::from_bits(0x0F80), f32::from_bits(0x0F87), f32::from_bits(0x0F8F), ]); let mut phase = vec![0.0; 3 * 64]; let inc = 1.0 / ((3.0 * 64.0) - 1.0); let mut phase_run = 0.0; for p in phase.iter_mut() { *p = phase_run; phase_run += inc; } //d// println!("PHASE: {:?}", phase); let mut out = [0.0; 3 * 64]; ps.col_gate_at_phase(0, &phase[..], &mut out[..]); assert_eq!(count_high(&out[0..64]), 8); assert_eq!(count_up( &out[0..64]), 8); assert_eq!(count_high(&out[64..128]), 32); assert_eq!(count_up( &out[64..128]), 8); assert_eq!(count_high(&out[128..192]), 64); assert_eq!(count_up( &out[128..192]), 1); } #[test] fn check_seq_gate_div_2() { let mut ps = PatternSequencer::new(3); ps.set_col(0, &[ f32::from_bits(0x0F00), f32::from_bits(0x0F07), f32::from_bits(0x0F0F), ]); let mut phase = vec![0.0; 6 * 64]; let inc = 1.0 / ((6.0 * 64.0) - 1.0); let mut phase_run = 0.0; for p in phase.iter_mut() { *p = phase_run; phase_run += inc; } //d// println!("PHASE: {:?}", phase); let mut out = [0.0; 6 * 64]; ps.col_gate_at_phase(0, &phase[..], &mut out[..]); assert_eq!(count_high(&out[0..128]), 16); assert_eq!(count_up( &out[0..128]), 16); assert_eq!(count_high(&out[128..256]), 64); assert_eq!(count_up( &out[128..256]), 16); assert_eq!(count_high(&out[256..384]), 128); assert_eq!(count_up( &out[256..384]), 1); } #[test] fn check_seq_gate_div_3() { let mut ps = PatternSequencer::new(3); ps.set_col(0, &[ f32::from_bits(0x0FE0), f32::from_bits(0x0FE7), f32::from_bits(0x0FEF), ]); let mut phase = vec![0.0; 6 * 64]; let inc = 1.0 / ((6.0 * 64.0) - 1.0); let mut phase_run = 0.0; for p in phase.iter_mut() { *p = phase_run; phase_run += inc; } //d// println!("PHASE: {:?}", phase); let mut out = [0.0; 6 * 64]; ps.col_gate_at_phase(0, &phase[..], &mut out[..]); assert_eq!(count_high(&out[0..128]), 8); assert_eq!(count_up( &out[0..128]), 2); assert_eq!(count_high(&out[128..256]), 64); assert_eq!(count_up( &out[128..256]), 2); assert_eq!(count_high(&out[256..384]), 128); assert_eq!(count_up( &out[256..384]), 1); } fn run_probability_test_for(prob: u32) -> (usize, usize) { let rows = 100; let mut ps = PatternSequencer::new_default_seed(rows); let mut coldata = vec![0.0; rows]; for i in 0..coldata.len() { coldata[i] = f32::from_bits(0x00FF | prob); } ps.set_col(0, &coldata[..]); let samples = rows; let mut phase = vec![0.0; samples]; let inc = 1.0 / ((samples as f32) - 1.0); let mut phase_run = 0.0; for p in phase.iter_mut() { *p = phase_run; phase_run += inc; } let mut out = vec![0.0; samples]; ps.col_gate_at_phase(0, &phase[..], &mut out[..]); (count_high(&out[..]), count_up(&out[..])) } #[test] fn check_seq_gate_div_rng() { // XXX: The result numbers are highly dependent on the // sampling rate inside run_probability_test_for(). assert_eq!(run_probability_test_for(0x000), (5, 5)); assert_eq!(run_probability_test_for(0x100), (12, 11)); assert_eq!(run_probability_test_for(0x200), (20, 18)); assert_eq!(run_probability_test_for(0x300), (26, 23)); assert_eq!(run_probability_test_for(0x400), (32, 26)); assert_eq!(run_probability_test_for(0x500), (38, 29)); assert_eq!(run_probability_test_for(0x600), (47, 29)); assert_eq!(run_probability_test_for(0x700), (56, 26)); assert_eq!(run_probability_test_for(0x800), (60, 25)); assert_eq!(run_probability_test_for(0x900), (66, 24)); assert_eq!(run_probability_test_for(0xA00), (70, 22)); assert_eq!(run_probability_test_for(0xB00), (79, 18)); assert_eq!(run_probability_test_for(0xC00), (84, 13)); assert_eq!(run_probability_test_for(0xD00), (93, 7)); assert_eq!(run_probability_test_for(0xE00), (96, 5)); assert_eq!(run_probability_test_for(0xF00), (100, 1)); } }