274 lines
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274 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2021 Weird Constructor <weirdconstructor@gmail.com>
// This is a part of HexoDSP. Released under (A)GPLv3 or any later.
// See README.md and COPYING for details.
use crate::dsp::{ProcBuf, SAtom};
use triple_buffer::{Input, Output, TripleBuffer};
/// Step in a `NodeProg` that stores the to be
/// executed node and output operations.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct NodeOp {
/// Stores the index of the node
pub idx: u8,
/// Output index and length of the node:
pub out_idxlen: (usize, usize),
/// Input index and length of the node:
pub in_idxlen: (usize, usize),
/// Atom data index and length of the node:
pub at_idxlen: (usize, usize),
/// Input indices, (<out vec index>, <own node input index>)
pub inputs: Vec<(usize, usize)>,
impl std::fmt::Display for NodeOp {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Op(i={} out=({}-{}) in=({}-{}) at=({}-{})",
for i in self.inputs.iter() {
write!(f, " cpy=(o{} => i{})", i.0, i.1)?;
write!(f, ")")
/// A node graph execution program. It comes with buffers
/// for the inputs, outputs and node parameters (knob values).
pub struct NodeProg {
/// The input vector stores the smoothed values of the params.
/// It is not used directly, but will be merged into the `cur_inp`
/// field together with the assigned outputs.
pub inp: Vec<ProcBuf>,
/// The temporary input vector that is initialized from `inp`
/// and is then merged with the associated outputs.
pub cur_inp: Vec<ProcBuf>,
/// The output vector, holding all the node outputs.
pub out: Vec<ProcBuf>,
/// The param vector, holding all parameter inputs of the
/// nodes, such as knob settings.
pub params: Vec<f32>,
/// The atom vector, holding all non automatable parameter inputs
/// of the nodes, such as samples or integer settings.
pub atoms: Vec<SAtom>,
/// The node operations that are executed in the order they appear in this
/// vector.
pub prog: Vec<NodeOp>,
/// A marker, that checks if we can still swap buffers with
/// with other NodeProg instances. This is usally set if the ProcBuf pointers
/// have been copied into `cur_inp`. You can call `unlock_buffers` to
/// clear `locked_buffers`:
pub locked_buffers: bool,
/// Holds the input end of a triple buffer that is used
/// to publish the most recent output values to the frontend.
pub out_feedback: Input<Vec<f32>>,
/// Temporary hold for the producer for the `out_feedback`:
pub out_fb_cons: Option<Output<Vec<f32>>>,
impl Drop for NodeProg {
fn drop(&mut self) {
for buf in self.inp.iter_mut() {
for buf in self.out.iter_mut() {
impl NodeProg {
pub fn empty() -> Self {
let out_fb = vec![];
let tb = TripleBuffer::new(out_fb);
let (input_fb, output_fb) = tb.split();
Self {
out: vec![],
inp: vec![],
cur_inp: vec![],
params: vec![],
atoms: vec![],
prog: vec![],
out_feedback: input_fb,
out_fb_cons: Some(output_fb),
locked_buffers: false,
pub fn new(out_len: usize, inp_len: usize, at_len: usize) -> Self {
let mut out = vec![];
out.resize_with(out_len, ProcBuf::new);
let out_fb = vec![0.0; out_len];
let tb = TripleBuffer::new(out_fb);
let (input_fb, output_fb) = tb.split();
let mut inp = vec![];
inp.resize_with(inp_len, ProcBuf::new);
let mut cur_inp = vec![];
cur_inp.resize_with(inp_len, ProcBuf::null);
let mut params = vec![];
params.resize(inp_len, 0.0);
let mut atoms = vec![];
atoms.resize(at_len, SAtom::setting(0));
Self {
prog: vec![],
out_feedback: input_fb,
out_fb_cons: Some(output_fb),
locked_buffers: false,
pub fn take_feedback_consumer(&mut self) -> Option<Output<Vec<f32>>> {
pub fn params_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [f32] {
&mut self.params
pub fn atoms_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [SAtom] {
&mut self.atoms
pub fn append_op(&mut self, node_op: NodeOp) {
for n_op in self.prog.iter_mut() {
if n_op.idx == node_op.idx {
pub fn append_edge(
&mut self,
node_op: NodeOp,
inp_index: usize,
out_index: usize)
for n_op in self.prog.iter_mut() {
if n_op.idx == node_op.idx {
n_op.inputs.push((out_index, inp_index));
pub fn append_with_inputs(
&mut self,
mut node_op: NodeOp,
inp1: Option<(usize, usize)>,
inp2: Option<(usize, usize)>,
inp3: Option<(usize, usize)>)
for n_op in self.prog.iter_mut() {
if n_op.idx == node_op.idx {
if let Some(inp1) = inp1 { n_op.inputs.push(inp1); }
if let Some(inp2) = inp2 { n_op.inputs.push(inp2); }
if let Some(inp3) = inp3 { n_op.inputs.push(inp3); }
if let Some(inp1) = inp1 { node_op.inputs.push(inp1); }
if let Some(inp2) = inp2 { node_op.inputs.push(inp2); }
if let Some(inp3) = inp3 { node_op.inputs.push(inp3); }
pub fn initialize_input_buffers(&mut self) {
for param_idx in 0..self.params.len() {
let param_val = self.params[param_idx];
pub fn swap_previous_outputs(&mut self, prev_prog: &mut NodeProg) {
if self.locked_buffers {
if prev_prog.locked_buffers {
// XXX: Swapping is now safe, because the `cur_inp` field
// no longer references to the buffers in `inp` or `out`.
for (old_inp_pb, new_inp_pb) in
std::mem::swap(old_inp_pb, new_inp_pb);
pub fn unlock_buffers(&mut self) {
for buf in self.cur_inp.iter_mut() {
*buf = ProcBuf::null();
self.locked_buffers = false;
pub fn assign_outputs(&mut self) {
for op in self.prog.iter() {
// First step is copying the ProcBufs to the `cur_inp` current
// input buffer vector. It holds the data for smoothed paramter
// inputs or just constant values since the last smoothing.
// Next we overwrite the input ProcBufs which have an
// assigned output buffer.
// ProcBuf has a raw pointer inside, and this copying
// is therefor very fast.
// XXX: This requires, that the graph is not cyclic,
// because otherwise we would write output buffers which
// are already accessed in the current iteration.
// This might lead to unexpected effects inside the process()
// call of the nodes.
let input_bufs = &mut self.cur_inp;
let out_bufs = &mut self.out;
let inp = op.in_idxlen;
// First step (refresh inputs):
// Second step (assign outputs):
for io in op.inputs.iter() {
input_bufs[io.1] = out_bufs[io.0];
self.locked_buffers = true;