2021-08-05 05:25:10 +02:00

170 lines
5.2 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2021 Weird Constructor <weirdconstructor@gmail.com>
// This file is a part of HexoDSP. Released under GPL-3.0-or-later.
// See README.md and COPYING for details.
use crate::nodes::{NodeAudioContext, NodeExecContext};
use crate::dsp::{NodeId, SAtom, ProcBuf, DspNode, LedPhaseVals, NodeContext};
use crate::dsp::biquad::*;
macro_rules! fa_biqfilt_type { ($formatter: expr, $v: expr, $denorm_v: expr) => { {
let s =
match ($v.round() as usize) {
0 => "BtW LP",
1 => "Res",
_ => "?",
write!($formatter, "{}", s)
} } }
macro_rules! fa_biqfilt_ord { ($formatter: expr, $v: expr, $denorm_v: expr) => { {
let s =
match ($v.round() as usize) {
0 => "1",
1 => "2",
2 => "3",
3 => "4",
_ => "?",
write!($formatter, "{}", s)
} } }
/// A simple amplifier
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct BiqFilt {
cascade: Vec<Biquad>,
srate: f32,
ofreq: f32,
oq: f32,
ogain: f32,
otype: u8,
impl BiqFilt {
pub fn new(_nid: &NodeId) -> Self {
Self {
cascade: vec![Biquad::new(); 4],
srate: 1.0 / 44100.0,
otype: 99, // value that can't be set by the user
ofreq: -2.0, // value that can't be set by the user
oq: -2.0, // value that can't be set by the user
ogain: -2.0, // value that can't be set by the user
pub const inp : &'static str =
"BiqFilt inp\nSignal input\nRange: (-1..1)\n";
pub const freq : &'static str =
"BiqFilt freq\nFilter cutoff frequency.\nRange: (-1..1)\n";
pub const q : &'static str =
"BiqFilt q\nFilter Q factor.\nRange: (0..1)\n";
pub const gain : &'static str =
"BiqFilt gain\nFilter gain.\nRange: (0..1)\n";
pub const ftype : &'static str =
"BiqFilt ftype\n'BtW LP' Butterworth Low-Pass, 'Res' Resonator";
pub const order : &'static str =
"BiqFilt order\n";
pub const sig : &'static str =
"BiqFilt sig\nFiltered signal output.\nRange: (-1..1)\n";
pub const DESC : &'static str =
r#"Biquad Filter
This is the implementation of a biquad filter cascade.
It is not meant for fast automation. Please use other nodes
like eg. SFilter for that.
pub const HELP : &'static str =
r#"BiqFilt - Biquad Filter (Cascade)
This is the implementation of a biquad filter cascade.
It is not meant for fast automation and might blow up if you
treat it too rough. Please use other nodes like eg. SFilter for that.
impl DspNode for BiqFilt {
fn outputs() -> usize { 1 }
fn set_sample_rate(&mut self, srate: f32) {
self.srate = srate;
self.otype = 99; // cause recalculation of the filter
for b in &mut self.cascade {
fn reset(&mut self) {
for b in &mut self.cascade {
fn process<T: NodeAudioContext>(
&mut self, ctx: &mut T, _ectx: &mut NodeExecContext,
_nctx: &NodeContext,
atoms: &[SAtom], inputs: &[ProcBuf],
outputs: &mut [ProcBuf], ctx_vals: LedPhaseVals)
use crate::dsp::{out, inp, denorm, at};
let inp = inp::BiqFilt::inp(inputs);
let freq = inp::BiqFilt::freq(inputs);
let q = inp::BiqFilt::q(inputs);
let gain = inp::BiqFilt::gain(inputs);
let ftype = at::BiqFilt::ftype(atoms);
let order = at::BiqFilt::order(atoms);
let out = out::BiqFilt::sig(outputs);
let ftype = ftype.i() as u8;
let cfreq = denorm::BiqFilt::freq(freq, 0);
let cfreq = cfreq.clamp(0.0, 22000.0);
let cq = denorm::BiqFilt::q(q, 0);
let cgain = denorm::BiqFilt::gain(gain, 0);
if ftype != self.otype
|| (cfreq - self.ofreq).abs() > 0.0001
|| (cq - self.oq).abs() > 0.0001
|| (cgain - self.ogain).abs() > 0.0001
// recalculate coeffs of all in the cascade
let coefs =
match ftype {
1 => BiquadCoefs::resonator(self.srate, cfreq, cq),
_ => BiquadCoefs::butter_lowpass(self.srate, cfreq),
for o in &mut self.cascade {
self.otype = ftype;
self.ofreq = cfreq;
self.oq = cq;
self.ogain = cgain;
let mut order = order.i() as u8;
if ftype == 1 { // The resonator just blows up with higher orders.
order = 0;
for frame in 0..ctx.nframes() {
let freq = denorm::BiqFilt::freq(freq, frame);
// let freq = freq.clamp($minfreq, $maxfreq);
let q = denorm::BiqFilt::q(q, frame);
let gain = denorm::BiqFilt::gain(gain, frame);
let mut s = inp.read(frame);
for i in 0..=order {
s = self.cascade[i as usize].tick(s);
out.write(frame, s);
ctx_vals[0].set(out.read(ctx.nframes() - 1));