{% if comments_pending %}
{% for comment in comments_pending %}
{{ comment.author }} {{ comment.post_time | date(format="%F %R", locale=config.lang) }} {% if comment.editable %} Edit {% endif %} {% if admin and comment.needs_approval %} Approve {% endif %} {% if admin %} Remove {% endif %}

{{ comment.text }}

{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% for comment in comments %}
{{ comment.author }} {{ comment.post_time | date(format="%F %R", locale=config.lang) }} {% if comment.editable %} Edit {% endif %} {% if admin and comment.needs_approval %} Approve {% endif %} {% if admin %} Remove {% endif %}

{{ comment.text }}

{% endfor %}
{% if new_comment_errors %}

Whoops, the following error occurred:

{% endif %}

{% if edit_comment %}
{% if edit_comment_errors %}

Whoops, the following error occurred:

{% endif %}

{% endif %}